Select simple filed can not save data 10 years ago5TopicHiI add some fileds to user profile,All filed works correctly,but select simple filed do not save data,user can change the value of select box,but when he saves form , the value does not change,I used the default simple select box of seblod like article state but there is this problem in this filed too,thanks 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago1Level 1Hello raz,we need more informations to help you....Which content type, field configuration, ...Regards.Lionel raz 10 years ago0Level 2HiUser content type,Type: simple app folder :user I don't have problem with other filed, If I aasign other default simple select box of seblod like article state, I have this problem on that filed. 756 PostsOctopoos - Lioneladministrator 10 years ago1Level 1Hi raz,sorry, the interresting setting for the field is the storage and it's not shown on the screenshot.the recommended storage is "standard | user | field_name".regards.Lionel raz 10 years ago0Level 2Oh, it's trueI don't change these setting,and default is true, raz 10 years ago0Level 1Thanks God! My problem is solved,I didn't enter values of options correctly,because of my language is right to left I must enter values vice versa :opt1=Option1