Hello, I'm trying to save
the value in another field and the value is saved well, when I save the
value in the field image intro or fulltext the values are not saved:
The value of the reference is stored in the fieldtest field:
$ref_st_1 = "images/intro/1234.jpg";
$fields['art_image_intro']->value = $ref_st_1;
$table = $fields['fieldtest']->storage_table;
$name = $fields['fieldtest']->storage_field;
$config['storages'][$table][$name] = $ref_st_1;
The reference in intro or in fulltext is not saved:
$ref_st_1 = "images/intro/1234.jpg";
$fields['art_image_intro']->value = $ref_st_1;
$table = $fields['art_image_fulltext']->storage_table;
$name = $fields['art_image_fulltext']->storage_field;
$config['storages'][$table][$name] = $ref_st_1;
Does not store in the field art_image_intro,