Hi kacraj,
Thank you for your post.
Our reasoning
when we develop the calendar plugin is to dissociate the stored data
(date) and how to display it on a form and / or on a content view. Why ? We need to save date in this format 0000:00:00 00:00:00 in order to have possibility to translate it in any language.
this context, i advise to set parameter "Text Input" on value "read
only"; Then, you should set value m-d-Y on the parameter "format" of
your field.
In this way, you will see date in this format m-d-Y but the calendar field store date in this format Y-m-d H:i:s;
you would like to display date in the content view regarding format
"m-d-Y", you sould use typo plugin "date" (when you click on button 3)
in the content and/or intro view of your content type.