10 years ago

Greatings to all of you!

Was not in this forum for a long time because... no problem with seblod as far as I use it.

Now I have a question, for a new app I want to have a timer (start, stop and display enlapsed time in a field)

question is how can I do it?

Second question, is it possible to display a graphic including fields information.

Questions are asked before all recognition, I only know there's nothing here.

I'm interessed by any information.

By evryone.


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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


for time you have calendar field that is actual date and time field and can be configured to show only time, but there is no "timer" field that would work as a clock.

For second question you will need to explain a bit more what you would like to get.

10 years ago
Level 1

Ok, thanks for the reply,

So how can I do substraction between dates?I want to display enlapsed time between two inputs.

Concerning the graphics, I think it won't be possible with seblod.

Thank you by!

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

If your intention is to display the time between last time the article was edited, you can use the art_modified field and subtract it from current time. To have it continuously count minutes/seconds, you should use some JQuery (in the Script (JS) of the field). Storage should be set to NONE.

Regarding your graphic part of the question, maybe if you have a look at  Chart Template, you find something suited.

P.S. Maybe this link could give you a clue how to create a timer.

10 years ago
Level 2

You are great Webcastor,

It is very helpful I'll try this on monday.

Thanks a lot

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