Ultimately, you are creating tags aren't you?
Maybe use select2 plugin to try adding values that way... the trouble is then deleting them. What kind if control fo you want.
I did this a few days ago - lurking in the quantum like world of fieldx - where I creared a category called my-list.
I creared an article content type with the catid as 'my-list' (using live value).
In my form:
I created a select dynamic field (dynamic_field) which pulled in the title and id of the 'my-list' articles. Storage set to none!!!!
In my form:
I then added a fieldx field (dynamic_fieldx) which repeats the select dynamic field:
storage: custom|article|dynamic_fieldx[dynamic_field]
I then have a button free which links to a form where I can add another article to the 'my-list' category.
This then appears as an option to sepect with fieldx
I'm at work, on my iphone, so that is the best I can explain it....