13 Posts
8 years ago

I'm stucked with a big problem, I've built a field using "upload image plugin" and when I try to upload vertical images from mobile, it is saved as horizontal.. how can this issue be fixed any idea? thanks

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13 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I see someone mentioning this before 10 months in the forums.. in a different topic though.


the end of the second post there too. how do u fix this issue?

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

I'm afraid you can't do much here with current image upload field - problem is images on mobiles are not actually rotated, they have this rotation written in the exif data. To read exif data you need special php extension which is not always available, this is why it is no a part of standard image uplaod field yet.

13 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Thanks klas, appreciation for your fast response..

I have exif extension enabled on my PHP, where should I do this reading of the exif data and rotation.. can you guide me please?? I must do a core-hack  to the upload_image plugin.. later on i will duplicate it and build a new one...

13 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Can anyone help with this problem? any solutions or ideas? I've been working on this web app for two weeks and now I'm stucked with this :\

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