37 Posts
10 years ago


I have a problem in my forms submission,

When i submit a form, the article is saved as expected, but i can't see the message "Saves successfully".

Also, if there is a problem, like at a form for contact with a field "e-mail", if there is an smtp error, i can't see the appropriate messages.

I'm using Joomla 3, Seblod 3, and Artisteer template.

I read, that this is maybe a jquery conflict, between template and seblod. In some articles i read that if we have joomla 3, the seblod does not load it's jquery library.

I found in my artisteer template index.php, the following code:

<script>if ('undefined' != typeof jQuery) document._artxJQueryBackup = jQuery;</script>

<script src="/<?php echo $templateUrl; ?>/jquery.js"></script> <script>jQuery.noConflict();</script>

<script src="/<?php echo $templateUrl; ?>/script.js"></script>

<script>if (document._artxJQueryBackup) jQuery = document._artxJQueryBackup;</script>

If i put this code in comments, then i take the appropriate messages from seblod form submission.

Is it write to put this code in comments?

Can you help me please?

Is there another way to make the form give me the messages when i submit it?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Geolits,

You can try to quickly fix jQuery conflicts by using a plugin like JQuery Easy http://extensions.joomla.org/extension/jquery-easy

- If i were you i wouldn´t use such template generators but thats my personal opinion.



37 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Designbengel for your reply,

I'll try your suggestion. 

I was looking if there was a solution without an extra plugin.

Also for the template generators, maybe you are right, but the template is made years ago, and isn't so easy right now to be changed.

Thank you again 

If someone else have an extra idea please help me :)

37 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

I tried the JQuery Easy, but without luck.

Also i observed that if i put the code i  mentioned in my fisrt post at comments, then i have problems with my menu. I suppose artissteer make use of jquery for the menu collpse/uncollapse. 

37 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

Hello one more time,

I observed that when i hit the button submit, the messages "eg. successfully saved" are showing for a little, but very shortly, they disappeared and i am again in the state to submit something new.

Can anyone help please? I have many days now i'm trying to solve this.

Thanks again

37 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Ok the problem is the template.

I changed template and problem solved.

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