27 Posts
7 years ago

Hi, i have a checkbox on my edit form, this is perfect and don´t need change. 

I need on Search Type show this checkbox like a select list. Any way to do this? 

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

What do you mean by "show this checkbox like a select list" - is you would like to show select instead of chexbox you can use select simple with the same storage and options as checkbox.

27 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi, i try this but i think have the wrong storage. I explain better. 

On edit form i have a checkbox field are a building inclusion (custom/user/my_table) an user can be on 1 or more building. 

I need on search form filter only by building to edit user and only select 1 at time. I can use a checkbox but take a lot of space and can confuse for that the select.

Select your building and all user on that building are listed. 


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3


if I understand you correctly, then my suggestion from previous post should work. You just need to take care that storage is exactly the same and that options and their values are the same in both fields. Take care about locked/unlocked state of the storage -i f you create field from search type it will be unlocked. If you create it in content type you can choose between locked/unlocked.

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