10 years ago

Hi everybody,

I'm building a website using seblod, and this forum had already been really useful for the issues I encountered. However, this time I may need a little help...

I'm trying to add a button "contact author" button in my contents. This button should be linked to a contact form with the mail of the author. My contact form is already built, but I have no idea what to do after.

I found this topic : http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/formulaire-de-contact-pour-l-auteur-d-un-article

It is really close to what I'm trying to do, but I can't get it to work...

Any helps ?

Thanks a lot

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10 years ago
Level 1


Welcome to this forum and Thank you for your using SEBLOD.

The principal of the tutoriel you mentionned is to implement a solution with the following steps:

  • add an email variable to the url of the contact form, for example : .../contact?email=xxx@seblod.com
  • assign a "variable" live plugin on the email field of the contact form. This email field is for the recipient of the contact request.


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi, and thanks for responding.

I understood the aim of this tutorial (very clever, by the way), but when I try to add the email adress in the link, the getValue function print it in a <span> tag, which gives me links like "/contact?email=<span ...". How to get rid of this span ?

Another question : I tried to use this method for the user Id, but it looks like numerical values aren't accepted ... any ideas ?

thanks again,


10 years ago
Level 3


To avoid that, please disable "Content - Email Cloaking".


10 years ago
Level 4

Many thanks ! 

And for the other question ?

10 years ago
Level 5


You can choose to add variable "author id" to the url of the contact form.

For that, you should add field "Article Created by" to the form in the position "hidden". Then, you can configure the plugin link as follows : author_id=$cck->getValue('art_created_by').


10 years ago
Level 6

Again, many thanks. Your help is very appreciated. 

In facts, my second question was about the contact form side : it looks like the numerical values aren't accepted. Here area few exemple : 

Url : contact?test=hello will give, in the label : "hello", which is nice. But, 

Url : contact?test=hello2 will give ... an empty label. Same thing happen with full numerical values like "2375".

Any ideas ?

10 years ago
Level 7

Since this is another question, maybe I should open a new topic.

Thank you for your quick and precise answer(s) !

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