7 Posts
10 years ago


I know this is a question for dummies, but I'm going crazy.

I need to create my custom App, so that is what I have done:

1) Create the App Folder.

2) Create a db table with this column ->     id | user_id | title | description

3) Create 2 Fields type "title" and "description". Both with Storage: Standard -> Free -> MyTableName

4) Create a Form and added (both in Admin and Site) the 2 fields previously created + 1 Button Submit.

When I test this simple form, on submit I get this Error: 0  SQL=

What's wrong?

Thanks in advance

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10 years ago
Level 1

Hello fasenderos,

welcome on SEBLOD world.

You don't need to manage any table, let SEBLOD doing that for you.

An app is a group of components created with SEBLOD, like Content Type, Search type, and all done for managing a type of data.

  1. Create an App folder
  2. Create all what you need, and assign them the same folder created before :
    1. Content type
    2. search type for display in front end
    3. search type for administrator like manager
    4. .....

Now, you have a SEBLOD Application which can be exported on an other website (where SEBLOD is already installed)

To export your app, goes on the Application manager and click on the arrow on the left of the name of the App.

Hope it will help you for beginning.

You can also have look to documentations and videos to understand SEBLOD.

Best regards


7 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for  reply.

i'm not authorized to view the last link "understanding storage"..

what if i need to create my custom db table? Why the Standard -> Free -> MyTableName settings did not take effect?

Maybe i miss something, but if i want to create an auction website, i think i need to create some custom db table OR seeblod does everything? And if so what is used for the storage settings of the field?


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi fasenderos,

sorry effectively I didn't see that the last manual was not finished, so not public.

You said "what if i need to create my custom db table?"  

When you create a content type in SEBLOD, if you add new fields (not existing in article) a new table is created with name of your content type.

For example, if you have a content type named "Blog", SEBLOD will automatically create a table named "#__cck_store_form_blog".

The "Free" storage is pratically never used, except for some specific case (webservice, alias of field in search,...).

The good way => The storage "STANDARD" must be use in 99% of case, and let SEBLOD create table for you.

Best regards.


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