Hello from Bang2Joom Team
First of all we want to thank You for this great tool !
We have a project were we need to have custom registration and user profile with lots of validations and confirmations from the administration part. The steps are like this.
1. User registers with standard fields (username, email, pass ...)
2. Than from his profile he should get access to form to fill his "Personal Information" (this is now done by permissions) and than save it. User can change, save, logout, login whenever he wants, but after he has filled all the required fields he can click on "SUBMIT" button. After user push "submit", the editing of the form must be disabled (not by css,js, but by Joomla/Seblod Permission). Now user should wait until the admin reviews his form, and if all the fields are correct admin can approve his submission.
3. When admin confirms the form user should have access to other form which he/she should fill in.
There are several steps like this that should be done and all with step by step confirmation.
What is the best way to implement this?
1. disable form after submit button.
2. admin confirmation and change of permission to enable the new form.
And can this be done by separate forms? or this should be the parts of one big user form?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Bang2Joom Team