8 years ago

Hi there,

currently it's not possible to extend the functionality of menus / menu items with SEBLOD, right? Is there a specific reason why this is not possible? Wouldn't that be a great functionality? Am I the only one who would love that? :-)

I would be very keen to create some kind of mega menu with SEBLOD, i.e. select a specific icon for a menu item (e.g. font awesome), be able to add graphics etc.

A good example of what I'd like to be able through SEBLOD in the backend is a menu in the format like this http://htmlcoder.me/preview/the_project/v.1.4/.

Otherwise any suggestions from the community here on other plugins to be recommended? 


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

To manage menus you need to use menu object (free download in extensions), easiest way is to use Menu items app


8 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for the swift reply. Unfortunately I'm still lost. I came accross this already, but when I installed the object plugin I didn't find any information on what exactly this enables me to do? There is really nothing in addition to that one phrase "Object Plug-in to integrate with Joomla! Menu Items." ... I thought this would enable me to add in additional fields to menu items, just like this is possible with content types?

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Object is just an interface between your content type and database. For ready-made solution you need the above app.

8 years ago
Level 4

Alright. Last question then: Is there some way to test that app prior to acquiring a 90€ package for it?

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi jo83 !

Actually you can easily add custom menu parameter the way you want it.. it's mostly joomla issue not specific to seblod. 

May i know your expertise in joomla? do you code ? is jForm Object or Module layout override means anything for you ? 

It's a technical thing.. but it would take less than an hour to add custom menu item parameter as much as you want...

The solution is item_components.xml override through content plugin on event called 'onPrepareForm'

i did this so many times in my project.. so custom main menu item parameter is not a big issue for me at this moment.. i'll hope i can create tutorial for this sometime...

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

+1 on that :)

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago
Level 1

If you like to get your hand bit 'dirty' you can start from this reference....


1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


It's always good to get someone else's perspective and wording though ;)

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