10 years ago

Hi everyone,

i'd like to understandhow to display data from my custom users.Following your steps :

1 i've created a new menù voice

2 i've created a new user profile editing the standard user form(in the site form)

3 'ive linked the site form to the new menù voice

When i create a new account using my custom user form, data are correctly stored in database.When i try to display them the fields in my online form appears empty!!!

Help me

Get a VIP membership
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi cstsulmona,

Please bring detail about how do you display user data? Are you speaking about to edit in front-end the user data (edit my profile) ? Or to list users ?


10 years ago
Level 2


the purpose of the app is to assign parking permission from hotel owner to hotel customer.

My project is based on development of 2 forms:

First form accessible only from ADMIN side. This form is created with the purpose to harvest in SEBLOD database the hotel owner data as follow:

  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm password
  • Hotel name
  • Parking permission #1
  • Parking permission #2
  • Parking permission #3
  • Parking permission #4

Second form ,accessible only from WEBSITE ,is created with the purpose to display hotel owner data as follow:

  • Username
  • Hotel name
  • Parking permission [ displayed in a dropdown menu feed by fields Parking permission #1|
  • | Parking permission #2|Parking permission #3|Parking permission #4
  • customer's name (no need to store into database)
  • customer's car plate (no need to store into database)
  • data in (no need to store into database)
  • data out (no need to store into database)
  • Save and send via email(button)

That’s all…I accept any suggestions and tips you can.

I hope I’ve been clear.

Thanks a lot

10 years ago
Level 3

Hi cstsulmona,,

Thanks for your feedback.

Do you wish to let the hotel customer to book a parking? Is there many hotel to manage?

If one hotel:

  • parking content types (to manage the list of parkings, a parking can be booked or not) managed by the hotel owner
  • customer booking (to book a parking by the customer)


10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Bes,
i have to clearly explain what application do.The application will be used only by hotel owners to assign touristic temporary parking permissions. Sulmona is a small and beautiful city in the center of the Italy, FAMOUS FOR ITS DELICIOUS SUGARED ALMONDS.Sulmona's economic system is based on tourism, so the city governance decided to give free parking to people(tourists) who will stand in Sulmona's hotel and receptive structures for holiday.The city governance assigned a number of parking permission card to each hotel (maximum 8 numbered permission card for each hotel).This web application is thinked with the purpose to create a quicker comunication from hotel owners and city governance ( local police office who manage the parking penalty DB).Data are trasmitted via mail by hotel owners via web application to local police office email address.

Now.That's the logic flow of the application:
1. A website administrator (joomla super user) create "hotel owner" account for each hotel in city (joomla custom user "hotel owner") using the form number 1 (only accessible by joomla backend)2. Once that "hotel owner" account exists ,from the login website interface hotel owner can login with his "hotel owner" user credentials, and access to the form number 2 (only accessible by website)3. Now that hotel owner is logged in, hotel owner can assign a single parking permission to a single hotel customer. Note that parking permissions HAS NO TEMPORARY LOCK.So you don't have to care about a date of lock and a date of release of the single parking permission (maybe that will be implemented in a future version of the app).Note that you don't have to save hotel customer data into the database: customer data are considered flying data.They will arrive via mail to Local Police email account.Local police office will keep email saving it in PDF format and will update his internal parkung penalty database.
create a custom user type in joomla called "hotel owner"
create a form with seblod called "create hotel owner users form" that will create "hotel owner users" using field structure as follow:
  • Username
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm password
  • Hotel name
  • Parking permission #1
  • Parking permission #2
  • Parking permission #3
  • Parking permission #4
  • Parking permission #5
  • Parking permission #6
  • Parking permission #7
  • Parking permission #8

create a form with seblod called "assign parking permission form" that will be used by "hotel owner users" from the website, using field structure as follow:

  • Username (automatic displayed after login)
  • Hotel name (automatic displayed after login)
  • Parking permission [ displayed in a dropdown menu feed by fields Parking permission #1| Parking permission #2|Parking permission #3|Parking permission #4 etc... to 8
  • customer's name (flying data)
  • customer's car plate(flying data)
  • data in (flying data)
  • data out (flying data)
  • Save and send via email(button)

Using the "create hotel owner users form" an administrator will create as many "hotel owner users" as are the hotels in the city of Sulmona

Once that all "hotel owner users" have been created, every single hotel owner user can login ( by using joomla website login area) and access to "assign parking permission form".Using "assign parking permission form", "hotel owner users" can quick comunicate customers data and parking permission number , to local police office via email .

 Thanks for your patience,Alessandro Cacchione

9 years ago
Level 1


Sorry for the delay and thanks for details Alessandro.

Your explanation sounds good. Have you move forward?


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