13 Posts
6 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I come back to a new Seblod test after several years of infidelity with Flexicontent; I knew Drupal (still know him) and Seblod seems the closest in terms of philosophy. I wanted to know if the equivalent of the module "rules" existed thanks to Seblod and visualized the video of James Morrels "Triggering an email", read in the forums that if there was indeed a software able to realize complex workflow, it was Seblod. Unfortunately, I block on a simple sending of email following the filling of form; my attempts result in the unintentional creation of articles but in no case by sending mails .. There I block a little and appeal to the community. As a reminder I tried to do point by point what was indicated in the video of James Morrel .. Just to clarify, I'm not a developer.

Thanks for your help


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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


first try if your joomla mailer settings are correct, in global Joomla configuration there is a button to send a test mail.

If you would like to avoid storing form as article you need to change form object to None, the same storage should be applied to all fields.

13 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2


The configuration is ok and i tested with the normal contact form all is fine, the emails are sent  correctly but not with this seblod form

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Double check that your settings are correct, especially where you used fields - e.g. a common error is to have a space before field name. All necessary data need to be filled in (from, to, subject, message) - none of this fields can be empty. Also From and To emails should not be the same.

13 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

frankly i don't know what to check now .. no debug tool for this kind of issues ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

You could use any IDE + xdebug or zend debugger to debug email plugin.

13 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

Sorry i am not a developper .. if to make work your software we have to be a developper say so officialy .. I just try to to make a form with james Morrell video .. very easy for a lot a software without to be a developper ..

I see that nothing has changed here ..

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 7


email field normally works ok and your setup seems correct so t is hard to give you any advice why it is not working without actually looking at your setup, there are number of possibilities what might go wrong, but they are mostly server related e.g. some hosting providers allow only emails that have certain domain in the from field.  Most common errors on the user side include mistyping field name in the from/to including unwanted spaces -try replacing from with a fixed email insted of using field name etc - experimentation to narrow down the cause it the only way to solve such errors.

13 Posts
6 years ago
Level 8

All that is domain related has been checked and in all cases the emailing works well with all the others software on the site; have we access to more complete documentation ...frankly without workflow this software is not usable.. i am testing drupla 8 righ now and in less than 5 mn i was able to send a test email with webform .. seems Drupal a lot more simpler than seblod + joomla

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 9


For my emails I dropped the Email field and used the Joomla! stuff in an afterstore field to have it send exactly as I wanted it


13 Posts
6 years ago
Level 10

Thanks but it is not for the email itself alone, the question how can i trigger an action for a seblod event .. in this case it is an email bacause usualy , the email is a trigger we use often in a workflow ..

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