3 Posts
9 years ago

Hi everyone!

I hope you could give me a hint, how to solve this problem.
The following content-type worked relly fine until now:

What happened:

  • I imported a lot of datasets of a given content-type. Everything seemed ok.
    I changed the template for another content-type (the one with the problem now)
    and the validation type: Seblod validation is off. I use another one (jQuery).
  • Now everytime I save this content-type (not the one with the import) I get the error:
    "Invalid Parent ID" and the hint that there might be the same alias.
  • I checked the Joomla _content table. The article is saved there with an unique alias.
  • But the joined data in _cck_core and _cck_store_form_traueranzeigen is not created.

Two questions:

  1. What could be the reason for that? 
  2. How could I debug? When I switch on debug in seblod for "everyone" nothing is shown on the frontend.

Thanks a lot community :-) !!


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3 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Ok... Here is my solution for anyone who stumbles upon the same issue.

After I tried different things the one that fixed the isse was to 

  • open and save the content category for the content type. 

I have no idea why this problem occured and why this solved the problem. 
But it did :D

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