9 years ago


I have a project where I must show in a form a table with fields allowing the user to enter prices.

The table must have periods as columns (for example first column: 01-05 : 01-06, second column: 01-06: 01-07, third column: 01-07 : 15-07, fourth column: 15-07 : 01-08, fiveth column: 01-08 : 31-08, sixth column: 01-09 : 30-09).

The table must have room types as rows (for example: 1st roomtype: single room, second row room type: double room, 3rd: triple room, 4th: small apartment, 5th: large apartment).

First, in site and admin form, I don't know how to make the table, having column headings the periods and row headings the roomtypes.

Also I must be able at a given moment to say for what period and what room type the price is for.

After save i must be able to get this data and show it in content view as a table.

I searched all over the internet about this task in seblod and I didn't fiind anything.

What I have found is to use a groupX, but I don't know how to add the row and column labels and how to save that Information with the field values, to be able to know for what is a specific price.

Thank you...

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9 years ago
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to create such table you will first need to create a (child) content type with fields that match your desired columns, plus some fields that will enable grouping those records e.g. parent article id or name of the table, as each row in the table will be stored as new entry.

Then create a new search&list type with table template to show those records as table. Use grouping field you added in the content type as search field to filter out records that don't belong to particular table.

Then you can use seblod list module if you would like to add this table to a particular article (using Joomla's loadmodule content plugin) or use


to add this table as field in parent content type.

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