10 years ago


I am running Joomla! 3.3.6 in which I have been using the original Joomla! User Profile plugin and it has fields such as "country" etc.

I had 2 users registered with this Joomla! default user profile plugin. Using the PHP code for Joomla! Objects below, I was able to access and display on the website page any field of the user's profile.

//Getting Joomla! Objects

$app = JFactory::getApplication();

$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

$user = JFactory::getUser();

$profile = JUserHelper::getProfile($user->id);

In order to get the user's country from his profile, I used <?php echo $profile->profile['country']?> and it worked perfect.... Until I installed SEBLOD.

When I installed SEBLOD, I DID NOT MODIFY THE "USER" Form that it had, I assumed it took settings from the Joomla! Profile Plugin. Now, I have a user registered on the website front end with the now SEBLOD Form, which still has the field for "country". The only difference now is that the SEBLOD 'country' field is a Dynamic Drop Select populated with SEBLOD listed countries to select from.

Now, for this new user, I can not access the data for the field "country" with the above code that worked while I was using the default Joomla! User Profile. When I go to the database, I can't find where did SEBLOD store the new user's country, but it does not appear in the Joomla!'s User Profile table where the older 2 users appear. The "country" field is not the only one with this problem, I just used it only here to simplify my inquiry.

So, how do I access data stored by SEBLOD form to get User's details such as "country", "id_number" and the rest?

I need to display this information for the user on their profile pages.

Please help me, I am new with SEBLOD.


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10 years ago
Level 1


Thanks for your post.

If you don't wish SEBLOD on user profil we advise to go on SEBLOD configuration (integration tab) and disable all related to Joomla user.


10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Octopoos

Thank you for your reply.

The thing is, I do wish SEBLOD on my user profile, the list of what I could do with it is endless... If only I could just learn "how to access data stored by SEBLOD form to get User's details such as "country", "id_number" and the rest and display it wherever I want it on the website."

Is such information available somewhere? I have been searching 2 weeks now, that's why I came to ask here for anybody to help me..


10 years ago
Level 1

Hello @BIGMNM,

thank for your post.

effectively, SEBLOD don’t manage Profil like Joomla!

SEBLOD make it easier.
In the SEBLOD content Type « User » you have 3 views to manage the user :
- Admin view : the backend form
- Site view : the site form
- Content view : the profil view

Before using that, you must enable the the bridge in the plugin CCK Storage Location User :
In the Joomla backend, in the « Extension / plugin Manager » menu item, click on the plugin « CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User ».

In the parameters, enable the bridge => this feature will create a new article (linked with the user) when a user is created. If you have old user, created only with Joomla!, you can simply edit / Save them to create their article. This article will allow you to customize the profil.

After that, in SEBLOD Options, in the tab « Integration », click on the tab « Joomla! User »
Here you can define which Joomla! menu item is used to display the user profil.

By now, in fronted, when you will click on the menu item « User profil », this will display the « Content View » of the SEBLOD User content type.

So, its easy to customize the profil, by adding all needed fields in the content view.
You can add existing fields, like you can create your own new fields.

Hope it will help you to understand how SEBLOD manage User.


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel

You see now, this here is exactly what I needed to hear and learn. You just opened a door for me to a whole new planet.

Thank you so much.

10 years ago
Level 2

Hey Lionel

Is it possible then to choose one Form Field, out of the whole form, to display it's content in a custom Joomla position which is not within the Article?

For an example: I have a form that, on registration, the user enters their Names, ID/Passport Number and Mobile Phone Number among other fields.

Now, when the user logs in, I want to display their Names at the top right corner of the website and display their Mobile Number at the bottom left of the website - these are custom Joomla positions outside the "Content" section where Articles appear.

Is there a way to achieve that with SEBLOD?

2 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

That is really a great guide and someone should make a video about it. I had the same issue.

Thank you very much Octopoos - Lionel

10 years ago
Level 1


sorry for the delay.

Yes it's possible to do that with SEBLOD.

You have to create 2 search type, based on tghe User object.

In the search form you need 2 fields :

  • CCK field, to search only on the user object
  • User ID, with the live value "User" to get the ID of the logged user.

with that, the search will return always 1 result corresponding to the logged user.

You just have to define the list view, by using the seb_blog, or Seb_list with the fields you need to display (Name, Phone, ...).

To display result, just use a module "SEBLOD List", by selecting the search type above.



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