11 years ago
Bonjour tous le monde,
je suis à la recherche d' une solution pour pouvoir modifier la ligne "Lire la suite..." que j' ai en affichage par blog.
J' aurais voulu mettre un petit logo ou image mais je ne trouve pas ou configurer cela.

Merci d' avance
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7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Stephane,

To change the "Lire la suite ..." :

  1. Follow this path : /language/en-GB/ (for french it will be "fr-FR");
  2. Edit the right ".ini" file (ex : for featured articles, edit "en-GB_articles_news.ini").

In generally, line's name is composed of :"readmore" or "read_more".

In future, thanks to write in english to be understood by all the community.

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