9 years ago

I built a custom app "vehicles".  The form works great and the info stores and the result looks fine in the list and search table.

However, when I link to the article  (link/view) all I see is the Title and a "0" .   Same thing if I just directly link to the article.

I tried both the SebOne template  (no overrides) and the  simple simon with a template override  in simplesimon/positions/vehicles/content/mainbody.php

Even when the override is nothing but an echo "hello world" (after the no direct access code)  nothing changes.  Just see the title and "0" where the content should be. 

Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this? 


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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi there,

Can you try with the seb_minima template please with no overrides? and also send a screenshot of the Content View of your Content Type?




9 years ago
Level 2

As it turns out, I went back and recreated the content type. Everything works pretty much as expected. What I did differently was keeping things as simple as possible, one app folder and changes to storage only when necessary.  Unfortunately, I got rid of the app that was failing, so can't send you that info.

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