11 years ago


I have added some custom fields to user profile.

I´ve done a list of those users. Everything seems to look right (Except I don´t see how to have results without being logged), HOWEVER, the custom fields does NOT appear in the lists. Only the "normal" fields are shown, the new ones are in blank in the table (I have tried custom template and seblod table template).

I don´t know if it has something to do, but this fields are shared in different content types of the application.

Thanks in advance.


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11 years ago
Level 1

Ah! Those same fields are working perfectly in both forms.

11 years ago
Level 1

Ok, if I create a custom field storing it into the user type (instead into the article), it is listed right. I think it has no sense since the other fields works fine into the fields but no into the list, I mean, I think this is a kind of bug... :)

154 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

When you are creating custom fields what type of storage format are you using? Standard/Article etc? Also have you added these fields to specific module positions to display in the list?

11 years ago
Level 3


Thank you.

Yes storage is the first thing to check. Have a look if your data are saved. There is a good video about storage from James or Viktor.


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