203 Posts
10 years ago

Dear Sebloders, I have a problem, I started to translate my web site for use it as a multilanguage site.

Now, I wrote the overrides for fields but they do not work with seblod field, that is in the form I find COM_CCK_fieldname and not the just override as label. 

I use last seblod 3.7 and joomla 3.3 (php 5.5.16).

I think there is any wrong in some setup I use, but what is it ? 

Anyone have any idea or suggestions.

Many Thanks for all, Regards, Louis

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46 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi louispaper,

Try COM_CCK_yourfield_alias -

COMM is not the correct prefix

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Castor, I think you mean "yourfield_alias" the Name of the Field that system assume when you save and close. You find it below title.

I tried also but do not work. I do not know because in another web site this problem do not exist and instead in this site I have problems. 

I think there is any setup wrong or some problem with server caractheristic of version seblod/joomla.

In any case thanks for your help to me. Regards, Louis

46 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi louispapera,

in my opinion it is a simple error in the keyword. The prefix from the keyword is accroding to your COMPONENT and not COMMPONENT.

In your statement you have written:

COMM_CCK_fieldname and not the just override as label.

Try COM_CCK......

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

OK Castor, voice start for COM_CCK.........., you said right, now I adjusted my topic also. 

But do not work in any case. I haven't find a solutions yet.

Regards, Louis

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

As far as I know all language strings need to be written uppercase like COM_CCK_FIELDNAME , perhpas this is a problem

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Klas, thanks for your reply, I've already tried but not working. 

I think that the path that the system use for the override is wrong. All seblod setup is just because I have already used multilanguage system in another site.

I have seen that system work in case of system messages and not with seblod: Listen to me: I tried to change any of the override system (messages for user registration) and the message is go well. Why do not work with seblod fields ?

Please, HELP ME, any suggestion is well accepted. 

Regards, Louis

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Dear Klas you have given to me just suggestions. I did a wrong because I used special characters (:) and system do not reach just override.

Now, is all right. Many thanks, Louis  

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Since I was involved in unraveling of louispapera problem and saw first hand (in the admin area) what is the common mistake people make, I strongly suggest to all those trying language overrides, to remember couple of things:

  • JText translate labels and values, not field names. Many assume it is the field name that should be used in COM_CCK_STRING since usually the label correspond to field name, but that is not always the case.
  • Use simple strings such as PRODUCT_NAME for labels/buttons/radio/checkbox/select. You can insert these values in form editor column - Label (mode #1) for field labels, and/or in field definition form, fields Label and Options.
  • In later step you substitute/override the mentioned COM_CCK_LABEL_or_VALUE for a full text that can even include some HTML formatting, hence you can for example substitute:
    MOBILE -> COM_CCK_MOBILE -> Mobile <img src="/images/mobile.jpg" />
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Webcastor, thanks. 

Your intervention has clarified the problem better.

Thanks again for your help you have given me. 

Regards, Louis

10 years ago
Level 1

As far as I know all language strings need to be written uppercase like COM_CCK_FIELDNAME ,

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