55 Posts
Olek T.
1 year ago


finally I've decided it's time to move from J3 to J4. When it came to Seblod, it went exactly as bad as I thought. My J3 site is pretty complex - over 15 content types, over 50.000 articles, so if one thing doesn't work as it should, it turns into a disaster finally. Anyway - I did everything by the book and it looked like Seblod after the conversion is working out of the box. Then I tried to modify any of my content types with the same effect - the annoying message:

'Save failed with the following error:'

That's it, no other information, my error log also shows nothing. Better yet - when I try to switch between Admin form, Site form etc. - I instantly get the error 'Oops! Try to close the page & re-open it properly.' So I've started to click like maniac in configuration legacy options and after I tried all the combinations, I had to raise a white flag.

Then - frustrated - I decided to change 'name' (let's say from 'test' to 'testx') of one content type directly in database and then make a copy of the content type with the original name ('test'). And guess what - it bloody works. I have no idea why and what causes the errors in original content types, but the recreated versions seem to work as it should have from the start.

I regularly visit this forum just to check what's the scale of Seblod 4 buggyness in the latest version. Unfortunately one thing haven't changed for months (years?) - the complete lack of real feedback on this forum. Users report very serious problems and guess what - no response from Seblod team. I confess - I tried to get rid of Seblod, I really did! But there is no other way to make Joomla have multiple content types with total freedom of what, how and where I want to create/view my content, with Joomla native content/navigation integration on top. The only other component that can be considered is Flexicontent, but when I started digging deeper I quickly understood it's absolutely no match for Seblod and a total waste of time really.

Anyway, I hope my workaround helps somebody one day. And I hope it's the end of Seblod's unpleasant surprises, but my experience says otherwise.




PS. I've investigated why I can't switch between tabs in content type settings. Maybe this will help: 

0 Call to undefined method CCKControllerType::setError()
Call stack
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118 Posts
1 year ago
Level 1
 I confess - I tried to get rid of Seblod, I really did!

I'm thinking of drupal to replace seblod. What do you think ;)

55 Posts
Olek T.
1 year ago
Level 2

It depends. If you know Drupal well and it has all the functionality you need, then it's the right way to go.

I don't know Drupal at all, but by now I got to know Joomla really really well (been using it since 1.0), so I'm willing to stick to it as long as possible. Back in the day Seblod let me get rid of Joomla limitations and make it a perfect platform for creating a content with zero knowledge about inserting images, aligning it, creating galleries and so. All the redactors had to do was to write text, select photos and attachments from their discs and click 'save'.

So Seblod became my life saver so to speak. It was until Joomla 4 appeared, then it became the main reason I've still been using Joomla 3 till this very day. Not in a good way, more like a handbrake. I've been waiting for Seblod 4 for so many months just to eventually see an unfinished, unreliable product with nearly zero support.

Then, 3 or 4 days ago I had a moment of revelation: I don't need Seblod anymore. In the meantime I became quite a good PHP programmer and realized I can reach all my goals using only template/extension overrides (sometimes very complex ones, but whatevs) with custom fields and Bootstrap. I don't even need to buy a new WCAG compliant template, as I can modify Cassiopeia any way imaginable.

So... Goodbye, Seblod. It's been a good ride (up to some point, that is). To Octopoos staff: you still have a few great, powerful users like Cyril or Elisa - take care of them as good as you can, because if you won't change something dramatically very quick - you're gonna lose them all.

118 Posts
1 year ago
Level 1

I'm not familiar with Drupal either, but I believe I read in this forum that the only application the Octopus guys ever mentioned as a real competitor is Drupal CCK. I also agree with you about other Joomla CCKs; none of them can beat Seblod. I mostly use Seblod for building applications with specific custom needs. I think Seblod simply lacks marketing, and while the learning curve is steep, it's definitely worth it. Joomla 4 itself is indeed powerful for certain cases if template/extension overrides can handle them, but when true freedom is needed, Seblod is still the preferred option for me.

55 Posts
Olek T.
1 year ago
Level 2

Isn't Drupal a CMS, but with built in CCK mechanism? It's a totally different animal than Joomla.

Regarding freedom - I divide CCKs into 2 groups: one relying on Joomla articles concept and co-existing with native Joomla content (Seblod, Flexicontent) and the second designed mainly you to create 'free' content (Content Builder, Fabrik). J4 allows you in most cases to drop the CCK from the first group. But when it comes to the second group, Fabrik... is unbeatable. Its features are stellar. I used it to create very complex service, which takes care of the whole cash flow in my institution. Really heavy data processing involved, so go figure.

The most important first step is to bet on the right horse, otherwise all the future steps eventually direct you to go south.

118 Posts
1 year ago
Level 3

I mean, they used to say that Joomla + Seblod is better than Drupal (which gained popularity with its built-in CCK at that time). 

I recall the time when I explored all Joomla CCKs, and I found that Fabrik felt somewhat bloated and slow. However, upon discovering Seblod, I didn't look any other option.

Furthermore, with Seblod, I'm somewhat, can effectively create a new CMS within CMS (Joomla). At times, I deliver a distinct administrator page that essentially combines Seblod with a Joomla template designed with an admin interface to client. This approach simplifies administration task for non-technical users compared to the Joomla administrator page. The only feature I find missing in Seblod is the payment procesing. If this feature were available, I wouldn't require any other cart/ecommrce  extensions.

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