11 years ago


We are trying to manage repeating events with seblod, getting rid of well known components such as Jevents or others.

we would need two main things here:

1- a Seblod Calendar list template to display seblod contents according to a given 'event_date' field. This may be not so easy but not the main problem

2- A right method to manage repeating events (daily, weekly, monthly) without having to duplicate the content. This is the tricky part since I don't see how we can handle ' content instances'. For example, if we need to manage a daily event (such as the openning hours) with some exception from time to time, how can we automatically create the event instances and even manage the rare exception (at a given date the shop is closed). but how can we display reapeating contents on a seblod list ?

Without these two pieces I would be stuck with other non seblod components.

What is your thought about it please?



We would 

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51 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

I cant help think that the main events component despite their issues are probably got many angles covered on the event process and exceptions to the business rules....is it wise to ask SEBLOD to create this?

Certainly SEBLOD is selling itself as an application builder, build anything without Drupal CCK, fulfil any client brief without worrying about how (see J & Beyond Video )...but can it do it?

[Sebastian and Co show some cool stuff with GE - like an asset manager - be cool if this was packaged up and offered as an APP ]

11 years ago
Level 1

it's true that events components such as Jevents cover many angles of the question but too many problems rise :

- the events can't be connected to the joomla/seblod articles. they are separate items with their own logic. 

- they have their own templates

- they work with other JS libraries (Jevents use mootools!)

- they obey to other SEF rules

- they have too many options you have to hide for all the final customer and lack specific ones for each project!

- etc. etc..

--> it would be so much simpler if we could bring our own event manager with seblod.

According to me Seblod is the real solution for Joomla as a Drupal/CCK contender. In some cases it is even more flexible and simpler but it only makes sense if the whole ecosystem exists with the seblod paradigm. 


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Did you ever create repeating/recurring events?

9 years ago
Level 1


Yes we do, on several projects. This is a specific developpment for which we have a special calendar template.


154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril

Have you ever thought about putting some of your fields / plugins on the SEBLOD product marketplace. I am sure there are many out there who would be prepared to pay for some plugins etc.

(I know this is probably unrelated to the topic but it seemed a good idea to ask here)

332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi again,

What is your e-mail, cyril?

9 years ago
Level 3


Please use the contact form on http://www.pulsar-informatique.com 



187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril,

i tried it once with x-field on a date-field. But didn't quite succeeded to get it to show on a search-list for a specific date (as i remember right). Will give it a try again soon... But maybe you are more proficient with Seblod and know a way..



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