203 Posts
10 years ago
Hellò sebloders, I have seb_map and to address coordinates but I can not insert a map in a item.
I followed the instructions of Lionel (administrator) on two topics that you find below but there is a problem because it does not work. http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/templates-position-variations/map-template-presales-question
Now, you find a pictures about to see what I did to insert a map in a item, as for instruction:

I create a module Seblod-List on the search list map.

then, In the search form of List & Search, I add the field "Article Id" with a live value "Variable".

In the view "Content" of content type, add a field Joomla Module for displaying the preview module.

Can anyone help me and provide to more detailed informations, please?
Thank you, Louis
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10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Louis,

pictures say more than thousand words :-)

In the first screenshot fill in "mappa" on the right side "Posizione". And in tab "Assignazione menu" make sure you show the module on ALL pages.

In the second screenshot click on "Configure" and fill in "id". Then click on blue number 3 and choose Match "Exact".

Then your map should show.


203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear gebeer, 

Finally, I see map. Many thanks. 

Now, I would like, considered that there is a marker only, to see the map where is the marker greater.

I will be in await about your news, regards, Louis
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Louis,

glad this helped. Please mark the topic as solved (click on the tick on the right side of your first post in this thread).

Regarding your question with zoom of map to single marker: This is currently not possible without changing PHP code of the index.php of seb_table template.

Seblod team is working on an update. But nobody really knows when it will be available.

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Ok, well done. Regards, Louis
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi, i see my map, but with all my items as pins. How to filter? I have a question to image 2. When i click to configuration i have the following screen, but i dont know where to insert ID.

I have test in field Variable and insert "ID", but allways see all my items as marker. Can you help please?

10 years ago
Level 2


in the field "Variable" you need to fill in "id" (lowercase letters). Then save&close. And on blue button no. 3 you have to set match to "Exact".

10 years ago
Level 1

Now it works! Thx

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