82 Posts
Pet Guardian
1 year ago

For months now, the counts returned for a query from SEBLOD are wrong!  

For example, a query that says there are 2 results when clearly there is only 1 result as only 1 displays.  Another query says there are 7 results but only 5 display.

We have an item called an Index Entry.  When looking at the items it SEBLOD on the site, it says there are a total of 1168 Index Entries.  But when looking at the database, it says there are only 1082 - a difference of 86 items.  

We should not have to pay for professional support to get SEBLOD to work out of the box as advertised. 

When will this be fixed?????????  It has not been working correctly for MONTHS!!!!!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
1 year ago
Level 1


82 Posts
Pet Guardian
1 year ago
Level 2

Still no solution ....

1 Post
1 year ago
Level 1

We have an item called an Index Entry. When looking at the items it SEBLOD on the site, it says there are a total of 1168 Index Entries. But ...J!Seblod is the same from my recollection. The groups  Slope unblocked seem to be  used only for assigning (location)… which post-types/taxonomies/etc are using which fields for ...Fixes issue with replacements being done inside seblod edit form ... J3 Fixes issue with item with xml file not saving and giving false error about empty name ...I use Acymailing 6.5.2 Enterprise edition. For creating newsletters I use the seblod plugin. Alas, the plugin creates a wrong ...I use Acymailing 6.5.2 Enterprise edition. For creating newsletters I use the seblod plugin. Alas, the plugin creates a wrong ...

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
1 year ago
Level 2

kara - I think you may have posted a response on the wrong thread.  Your response does not have anything to do with my issue.

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
1 year ago
Level 1


For months now, the counts returned for a query from SEBLOD are wrong!

For example, a query that says there are 2 results when clearly there is only 1 result as only 1 displays. Another query says there are 7 results but only 5 display.

We have an item called an Index Entry. When looking at the items it SEBLOD on the site, it says there are a total of 1168 Index Entries. But when looking at the database, it says there are only 1082 - a difference of 86 items.

We should not have to pay for professional support to get SEBLOD to work out of the box as advertised.

When will this be fixed????????? It has not been working correctly for MONTHS!!!!!

139 Posts
11 months ago
Level 1

Hi Pet Guardian and Kara,
After reading your post I'm quite sure your problem has nothing to do with php or Seblod versions. This "problem" is present, as far as I know, since about 15 years ago. It has a quite easy solution.

We must have always in mind that when we create a new content type we must test it. Also, if we edit the content type for adding a field, or editing the position of another field, need to test the content type storage again. With this I mean:

  • Fill the form and check if all the fields in the database are stored correctly.
  • If it has article storage check the #__content storage and maybe another table you have chosen for other fields in this content type, for example: #__clients.
  • If is has free storage check its database storage you choose, for example #__clients

In any case the problem you are having with the items counted, are within the #__cck_core table. Check this table after storing a new article of those who are having bad counting, then in phpmyadmin or whatever you use, check if now there is one more registry or there are two. Usually this happens when you put the article title of the form below other fields. So simple, edit the content type and move up to the first positions the field who is giving the title to the article.

Then again fill the form and check if now there is only one new item in #__cck_core table or two. After this, in order to solve the bad counts, delete all those duplicated entries in #__cck_core table, ensure which of the 2 duplicated entries is safe to delete.

I hope this can help you.

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
10 months ago
Level 2

Please read what I wrote.  

First of all I always test.  I do not need to be schooled in how to design.  And the name is the first field in the list - it always has been.

There are no duplicates - the only place there are duplicates are in the export spreadsheet - not in the database.  The total number of records does not match the number in the database.  It often says things like there are 5 results but only 3 or only 4 display.

You did not read what I wrote - please respond to what I actually wrote.

139 Posts
10 months ago
Level 3

If I hadn't read you, I wouldn't have bothered to help you. My English is quite limited, so perhaps I didn't explain myself fully.

Of course, I'm not trying to teach you how to do your job. I apologize if suggesting that you check the tables and records created in the database offended you. In fact, if you had done what I tried to explain without success, you wouldn't have this problem. I had the same issue years ago and solved it as I'm telling you.

I insist that the problem lies in the order of the fields in the form, the ones referring to the article must come first, and then the others. The first ones should be Article Title, Article Category Id, Article Access, and so on.

Otherwise, in the #__cck_core table, two records are created for each item. They don't duplicate; two are created. And that's why the counts go wrong later. It's just that.

I hope I have explained myself better this time.

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
10 months ago
Level 4

As I stated previously, the title is the first one, then the alias, then the category.  The order or the fields is NOT the issue as I do have them as you suggest - they have always been in that order.  And, the order should not matter, but I do have them and have always had them in the order you suggest.  Something in SEBLOD that is counting incorrectly.

139 Posts
10 months ago
Level 5

I'm assuming that the issue with the incorrect counts is happening in the list of items, is that correct? (List & Search Types)

If yes, if you create a new item in any of these forms where later the list is causing issues with the item count, or in other words, if you fill out the form, how many new records are created in the #__cck_core table? One or two? Could you check that?

Best regards

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
10 months ago
Level 6

Yes, the incorrect count is happening in a list of items.

There is only 1 database record for each instance I have added to the system.  However, when I export to a spreadsheet, some items are duplicated 1, 2 or even 6 times even though there is only 1 database record.  I deleted the items that were showing up multiple times in the spreadsheet and reentered them.  Now they  only show up 1 time in the spreadsheet.  But the counts are still wrong.  However, after I deleted the items that were displaying multiple times in the spreadsheet (but for which there is only ONE database record) and reentered them, there are a lot of records at the end of the spreadsheet with no ID, no name or any other data.  This product is not working properly and has not been working properly since the switch to Joomla and SEBLOD 4.  The total listed on the website does not match what is in the spreadsheet and neither one of these totals matches the number of records in the database.  When will this finally be fixed - it's been months?!?!?!?

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