37 Posts
8 years ago


i had a problem wih site infection. So i took the advise of this post:


I had my site upgraded to Joomla 3.6.2 and Seblod 3.9.0, but the infecton didn't disapeared.

So i did the bellow steps:

1) I intalled a fresh Joomla 3.6.2, i installed Seblod 3.9.0 and all extensions i had in my joomla infected site. 

2) I looked at the database tables from Infected Site and the New One and i found hat the differeneces was:

     i) the Infected did had the table "_cck_more_countries", so i created it.

     ii) At the infected site database i removed all which had to do with "com_weblinks" (i have the thought that from there my site is infected somehow). For the           removing i folow this instructions:  http://joomla.stackexchange.com/questions/12111/how-to-remove-weblinks-component-rests-after-updating-from-j-3-3-to-3-4

     iii) At the infected site database, there was extra tables for cck_forms i had crated at the past.

5) I copy, all folders with files which have created from uploads from articles created through Seblod forms, to the new site.

4) I connected through configuration file, the new Joomla Sile to the Old Infective site Database.

The problem now is this:

When i'm looking the site from the front end all are ok. Even if  try to edit an old artcle through form editor.

But at the backend when i tried to edit a form from Construction ->  Forms & Content Types -> Edit  i take th image a attache bellow.

Can you help me please? 

Can i have the seblod work again properly?

Thank you

Get a Book for SEBLOD
30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


It's a javascript problem.

So go to the databases.

#_template_styles  search the last occurrence of "your_form" as seb_one "your form" (admin) note ID

#_cck_core_types, find "your form" and change the content of template_admin (which must be 0 and causing your problem) by ID

I hope this helps you

37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hello and thank you for your reply,

The "template_admin" from #_cck_core_types, is equal with #_template_styles last occurrence of "my_form" as seb_one "my form" (admin) note ID.

At the las row of #_cck_core_types, there is a record with "id=500" "asset_id=3011" "title=empty" "name=empty" "alias=empty" "folder=0" "template_admin=0" "template_site=0" "template_content=0" "template_intro=0" "description=empty" "indexed=empty" "published= -44" "version=1" "checked_out=0" "checked_out_time=0" "access=3" "created_date=0" "created_user_id=0" "modified_date=0" "modified_user_id=0" and all "other filed=empty"



30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Hello George

This is not the last field to look for, but the last field that carries the name of your form

An example with one of my form (I'm French)


id template client_id home title
66 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
67 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (site)
68 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (content)
73 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (site)
74 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
76 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
78 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
82 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
86 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
145 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
146 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
156 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (admin)
159 seb_one 0 0 seb_one - depot_dune_offre (intro)



id asset_id title name template_admin template_site template_content template_intro
1 193 Article article 209 126 118 135
5 194 Category category 31 31 31 31
11 196 User Group user_group 31 31 31 31
20 197 Article Grp Publishing article_grp_publishing 31 31 31 31
21 198 Article Grp Basic article_grp_basic 31 31 31 31
22 199 Article Grp Metadata article_grp_metadata 31 31 31 31
25 200 Category Grp Publishing category_grp_publishing 31 31 31 31
26 201 Category Grp Basic category_grp_basic 31 31 31 31
27 202 Category Grp Metadata category_grp_metadata 31 31 31 31
506 229 Dépot d'une offre depot_dune_offre 156 73 68 159
509 252 Articles Latin articles_latin 120 88 122 31
515 286 Inscription user 162 107 114 108

I hope more explicit.


37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Hello Phil,

Thanks one more time for your time, but in my database tables, all are as you are saying that must be.

I give a picture of the two tables bellow.




30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Hi George,

It was a lead.
Can you give me the exact wording of the error.
On the picture is fuzzy and I can be wrong.


37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 6

Hi Phil,

here is what i take when i try to open a form for edit, at the backend:




30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 7

Hi George,

This message "Oops! Try to close the page & re-open it properly." often appears due to plugin as seen on the forum.

This's the same message when you open the form by the manager?


37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 8

Hi Phil,

no if i click at the "pencil" then it opens to create an item from this form.



37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 9

Also if i click to create a NEW from, i get this message too.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


copying just some tables from old site won't work and this is probably the reason you are getting errors. I would suggest that you either:

Option 1

a) copy your hacked site, so that in case it does not work you have a backup.

b) uninstall any extension except seblod from the site. This includes components, modules, plugins and templates.

c) check users and see if hackers inserted some user that should not be there especially check administrators.

d) create new joomla install with seblod and then copy database from old site and overwrite one. This way you can be sure you only have files form joomla and seblod on the site. You will also problaby need to copy images folder but TAKE CARE - you need to MAKE SURE ONLY IMAGES and index.html files are in those subfolders. Scan this folder with good antivirus software

Option 2

From old, hacked site:

Create new joomla install with seblod and:

Option 3

Use a professional service like sucuri.net or myjoomla.com to do all this for you. Please note we don't endorse this services, just listing them as an example.

Probably listed options go from the least secure to the most secure one, but it depends on what kind of hack you experienced and how complex your site is.

37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas and thanks for your answer,

as i told in my first post, i took the steps from this post that joomla community suggest : http://joomla.stackexchange.com/questions/12111/how-to-remove-weblinks-component-rests-after-updating-from-j-3-3-to-3-4

The steps are the same are you referring at option 1 except from the step in which you are saying:

d) to extract the old database and import it in the new site with the fresh joomla and seblod.

The difference is that in the post i reffer, is saying not to extract the old databese and import it to the new, but to connect the new site (through the configuration file) to the old database.

I didn't copy some tables form the old site to the new one, but in the new site there was a new table "_cck_more_countries". This table was not in the old site, so i created this only table, with all records in it.

So you suggest better, to the new site to import the database from the old site?Is there a difference in this step, with this i did?



4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3


copy or use the old database should give you the same result. If upgrade of seblod on the old site was done properly all databases should exist, missing

_cck_more_countries would indicate something went wrong on upgrades. I suggest you do he upgrade process again if you have a backup before the upgrade, if not try installing latest seblod version again.

37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Hello again,

sorry but just now i tried to do a new joomla installation.

I installed joomla 3.6.2 and seblod 3.9.0

Without to install anything else. When i'm going to create a new form from the backend,i'm taking the same error.

Oops! Try to close the page & re-open it properly.

I have configured at php.ini:

max_file_uploads = 50 & max_input_vars = 3000



37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5


i found this post: https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions/seblod-oops-try-again-issue-again

I Enabled these at php.ini

1) mbstring

2) soap

3) zip

And now the forms at administrator are opening as they must to open.

Is this a requirement to enable these php modules?

In previous Seblod Versions, i didn't have these modules enabled.



4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 6


glad to see this resolved. Soap is probably not needed, but mbstring and zip are pretty standard extensions needed for joomla. 

Still take care about hacked accounts that might be in your database, also check each file that you will be transfering from old site to the new one.

37 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I disables doap and it is seeming to work well.

Thank you all



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