10 Posts
6 years ago

Hi there

My site has two "content types" 

The primary type shows all the content fields etc. in a screen-friendly layout, that looks awfull, when users decides to print the page. 

The secondary content type shows pretty much the same fields, but in a much more printer friendly layout.

Now my quesition is, how I can create a link using the content link -> view option on a field, making the link open the current content, but in the secondary content type?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You could use button free with custom variables to make a link, but your problem is that second content type will use different data tables and since it won't be able to open the same content. Conent can only be opened from content type that created it. One option you have is to make template override to show different layout under certain conditions

10 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks. I've long avoided the template override (I simply don't get it), but I guess I'll have to sit down and study :)

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