10 years ago


I created user registration form in my site with seblod,

I have another user group as Judge

I know how to create two group users and profiles but

I'd like to show some fileds of   other users in the judge profile

Like ID of users and the file that they uploaded in site.

Is it possible to do it?


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10 years ago
Level 1

I think I must add some description
I have two user group: normal and judges

In the registration form of normal user , I create one radio filed with some options for example op1, op2, op3,.....
and some filed that user can upload files,

I have another user group that they are judges
In the admin form of these user type, I'd like to have select filed with option op1, op2, op3,.....

I know how to do it, but my problem is below stage:

when In adminstrator (for judges) when I select op1 ,
In frontend judges can see user Id and files of normal users that select opt1, in their profile.

How can I do it?


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi raz,

For your need, you should define a search type that display a couple of user id and file.

In the search form of your search type, you should have a radio field as a filter.

We advise in the same way to create an upload file field outside a user profile. It's not an obligation.


10 years ago
Level 2


excuse me,I didn't undrestand your mean from this sentences:

"We advise in the same way to create an upload file field outside a user profile. It's not an obligation."

what I understand is that I cann't show other user information in the profile of another user,I must create a search form and a menu for it;

I did it, But I have another problem,in the search form I can see the file name but I can not download it,

I get this error:

You are not allowed to access this file.

I'd like the judge users can download files of normal user

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Not sure if I got your idea... as far as I understand you want to achieve a list of a certain upload/radio-option. The judges should see which user has selected the radio opt 1,2 or 3. In other words. a filtered list of users.


I think, it also depends how and where you want the list to be displayed. Your topic title implies a display on a judge's profile. Not sure if this is the best approach, but I don't know your exact goals and administration workflow.


I could imagine different solutions (in either way, you have to create a search/list view and use the opt value for a search) :

A.) MenuItem and Search/List view of all users and their options, uploads. Search field "Option" is exposed as filter.
     (comparable to Seblod Products list!) 

B.) Multiple List views with modules. Each display coresponds to a certain Option value. Assign Modules to User profiles context and Judges ACL!  
    (Display comparable to the Seblod Forum homepage, or your Seblod profile page)

C.) Similar to B). But without modules... You might use the commercial product " Form & List Pack".
    A tutorial with different use case but similar logic is  available here.

9 years ago
Level 2


I used method A , but in this method judges can see arts of other users that is not related to them,

Because I set radio button that judge can change option of it when I set it as filter

In method b , I don't know how to set a certain value to a certain group of judges, that they can't see arts of other users

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3
A , but in this method judges can see arts of other users that is not related to them

Sorry, I might be lost in translation... or I missed something important.  


How are the judges related to the other users? 

9 years ago
Level 4

excuse me, my english is not very well

I mean there users that select op1

and some user that select op2,.....

and judges are in groups

the group of op1, the group of op2 ,......

judges in op1 must see users that select op1 ,they mustn't see other user that select op2,...

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

(Sorry for the late reply. Due to illness)

So, your users should select their "judge group"? Not a particular, single judge. They should see certain groups only, and not all standard Joomla groups, right?  

Addition to point A.) in my previous comment. Here is the rough idea and one possible solution of many:  

I assume you want to work with "real usergroups". So, you could use the build-in field "Dynamic Select" or the free product in downloads section called "Dynamic Checkbox". Both can list usergroups from the respective DB table. Then a user can select a certain group, and store the group ID number. 

Later you could use this ID to compare it with your current Judge's group...

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

As long as your Judges belong to 1 group only... it should work fine with basic configuration:

  1. Create a regular Seblod list MenuItem. Choose default "Users" list.
  2. Add your DynamicSelect/Checkbox field to the search form of that list. (for demonstration purposes also to the item view). 
  3. Click #2 for setting LIVE to "User" object. Click "configure"... 
  4. For Property enter "groups" 
  5. Excluded Values, can help to ignore multiple groups! i.e. your SuperAdmin is in group 8, and also a judge in group 10. Simply exclude the value 8 and it should filter correctly.)
  6. Create a "Registered User" and select a group with your Dynamic Field.
  7. Create a "Judge" and assign a proper group to him. Login in fronted and your list should filter automatically ;) 
9 years ago
Level 7

Excuse me I was on trip, I couldn't check your solution until yesterday

Thank you very much for your help, it works well, in addition when I add dynamic select list to the search  I must set variation to Value that Judge can not change the select list.

I have another question, I don't know is it possible or not, I'de like judges can enter the result of art for every user that they see,

I have one filed in users profile that is readonly and administrator enter the result for them in admin area, 

but at first I must get the result from judge for every user.

in the search form I can not enter a filed for every user that judge can enter the result. or I any other form that I can create for judge that he see user and a filed for result.

is there any solution to do that?

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 8

Funnily, I did not have to make any changes for Search form and "Variation". My DynamicSelect does not show up. No matter which "Variation I use. 

I have another question,... I'de like judges can enter the result of art for every user that they see...

Sorry, lost in translation. Did not understand the feature and workflow exactly.

9 years ago
Level 9

"My DynamicSelect does not show up"

1-How do you set dynamic select that it does not show up?

2- for second part:

As administrator I must collect the opinion of judges.

For the art of each user they must fill a field that determines whether art is accepted or not.

I can just show the list of users to them, but I can’t collect their opinion about each user.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 10

1.) Dunno :) Actually, I expected it to show up at least with variation "Filter" ;) Somehow I can't get it back. Only on the list itself.

2.) I see. You want either edit a certain field on the user's profile, or you need to link/relate a certain field and type to it. In any case, you would need proper access and display restrictions!

Regarding 2. in storage and workflow, I would recommend to have a look at the free User Notes App, or even better the commercial Comments App. The latter includes the Form/List fields. That should help you to get an idea about related content.

9 years ago
Level 11

Hi again,

Thanks for your reply and excuse me that I got your time.

If Judges could edit a certain field of another user , it was very good,

I read this manual and add edit icon in the search form,


Also I don't know how to use User Notes App, there isn't any manual for it.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 12

Hello raz,

NP we never stop learning! ;) There are many ways to solve a problem and create a certain workflow. 

Basically I could imagine 2 technical ways:

1.) allow editing of the same art/item to 2 usergroups
(might need restriction plugin to protect/hide certain fields, or maybe workflow restriction if you don't allow edit for authors.)

2.) attach the opinion/rating to the art/item.
(that's why I mentioned some examples for reference and study; the Notes app might give some inspirations, and also the rating in Seblod products detail view might be interesting for your task. It is a similar use-case.)

Sorry, you have to play around with all those features ;) I would really like to setup some demos, because I am learning as well... but my time is very limited.

9 years ago
Level 13

Ok, i try to try out your solutions,

1)for this solution I must use this plugin:


Is it true?

Do this plugin add workflow restriction? because with  default workflow I can't  Separate normal users from judge ,That judges can edit filed but normal users just see the result.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 14

Yes, that is the product I was thinking of. Hence, I am writing theoretical suggestions from the top of my head ;) I did not use the commercial addons (yet). I have to rely on the description and my imagination. I think the product would allow much more control for display.

The build-in "workflow restriction" was a second idea. Only applicable if you want to split submission to authors, and allow edit to judges. If your rating/opinion is available in edit-worklfow only, it might be a solution.


9 years ago
Level 1


I have another question,

In your solution for search in the post with number 8,

If judges belong to more than one groups, it doesn't work.

Is there any solution for that?

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hello again, 

can you give some details and an example of your ACL/usergroup setup? What is the purpose of multiple groups of judges?

9 years ago
Level 3

for example we have 3 filed for competition:
1- Photography
2- painting-type1
3- painting-type2

the judge1 can judge in photography
but the judge2 can judge in painting-type1 and painting-type2,
Therefore he belongs to two group painting-type1 and painting-type2

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hello raz,

sorry I am slightly confused, because I have no complete "picture" of your app and use case.
In the previous comments you have mentioned a "relation" between 1 user and 1 judge-group. The user should be able to select a specific judge group. 


Now you have a total different situation, which is more complex. I mean, in your first description there is access and view restriction through the user<->judge group relation... and now you have 3 different art submissions and the same judge in multiple groups...

I am a bit lost what to suggest ;)


Maybe the whole workflow and storage should be different e.g.
Let users submit entries in different categories? And no direct upload in their profile? etc.


9 years ago
Level 5

the only difference is that the judge can be belong to more than one group,:((

and then the search form don't work correctly, because it can' t show the value of select dynamic.

maybe I must create a search form for each group and create menu for each of them and with ACL of joomla, restrict access to them for judges.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

Hello raz,

maybe Match mode settings can help here?! 

9 years ago
Level 7

Thank you very much,

Yes match mode help to solve this problem

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi again

because of this problem that acl pack makes it:


I can't use this method to hide filed from judges,

(suggestion 1 in level12)

maybe it's better to add another form that user can upload his images not in profile page,

they must create it for only one time and then can edit it for several time,

I don't know how, but I try it.

9 years ago
Level 1

With create anther form that user upload their image in article content type

and set math mode for search in article,finally I did this project successfully,

pepperstreet Thank you very much for your help.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

You are welcome! Glad you had success.

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