9 years ago

How do you control submit button styling.  Specifically would like to change the class of the button.  

from class="button btn"
to class="button"

Also, is it possible to turn off the reset option next to submit button?

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Lownotes

I've had a little look around and it seems you need to do a position override (globally available to any content type or position) or position variation (specific to a content type and position) to allow you to custom style the fields in question (Be cool if you could declare a default styling or override fields individually, but it seems you can only really override in the context of a position. Maybe you can...)

So every time you wan to render a Submit, save etc you will need to create a position override



Templating 101

Hope that assists somehow, though probably doesn't :(


9 years ago
Level 2

Hey, thanks for the reply Bucklash,

So I found the answer to part of my question.  To turn off the reset option you just have to click the parameters on the submit button and set "show alternative" to hide.

for the other part I'm still searching how to change the class of the submit button.

the strange thing is that I've seen an example of a seblod submit button that has a different class than what I'm coming up with.

I've got

class=button btn

but I'd rather have 

class=button btn-primary

I tried putting this in the markup field on the button but it put the class in the container div and not on the button itself.

I can't believe that you have to use an override to accomplish this though.

Thanks again

9 years ago
Level 3

With a little help from a friend I was able to find the answer to the second part of the button class part of the question.

at the bottom right of the button field parameter panel is a small orange arrow that opens the "stuff" panel.  In there you will find CSS.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi lownotes

sorry my answer two months ago was a bit rubbish, I answer posts as a way of teaching myself... so warning to all there :)

The answers easy when you know how.


I didn't know about the show alternative, cool and completely forgot about the Stuff section.  Thanks for putting that info on the post



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