Hi folks
Hope to get some hints on how to add a value to #__menu.params['menu-meta_description']
I have an article content type, which creates a single article menu item using afterstore field.
I made a big error and forgot to add data to 'menu-meta_description'.
In my Afterstore I have working code like this:
<del>$objectLF->link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id='.$artId;</del>
but I am not sure on how to do the json bit. This has no effect:
<del>$objectLF->params["menu-meta_description"] = 'Lesson File: '.$artTitle;</del>
I finish off the code with this:
<del>// Update details in the menu table using id as the primary key.
$result = JFactory::getDbo()->updateObject('#__menu', $objectLF, 'link');
Thansk for any help