11 years ago


I'm having trouble with updating SEBLOD from Version to 3.1.1 on a J! 2.5.11 install.

During the update process through the Joomla updater, I get an Error 500.

The apache error.log says:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method JCckDatabase::execute() in .../tmp/install_51822f0b3d5ba/extensions/install_51822f0d0c57f/script.php on line 421.

Line 420-422 in that script reads:

if ( isset( $columns['password2'] ) ) {

JCckDatabase::execute( 'ALTER TABLE '.JCckDatabase::quoteName( $table ).' DROP '.JCckDatabase::quoteName( 'password2' ) );


So this is about fixing the password2 bug that is mentioned somewhere in the SEBLOD changelog.

Searching my db for "password2" reveals only on value "user_password2" in table j25_cck_core_fields, coloumn "name".

Checking the actual SEBLOD version reveals 3.1.1, but in the J! update manager, after purging cache, SEBLOD Update 3.1.1 is still listed.

Now I ran the update again through the Update manager and it finished with success.

This is strange and I'm not sure whether I now have a clean install of the update.



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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Gebeer,

I'm not very clear with your post... are you reporting a bug that you were able to get through or do you still have the update issue?

11 years ago
Level 2

Hello Griiettner

and thank you for you reply.

After I did the update a second time, all went through fine.

I posted this to let you know about the problem. Just in case that someone else runs into the same issue.


11 years ago
Level 3

Great, Thanks for sharing this...

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