2 Posts
11 years ago

Hi there,

I stuck in the problem in setting up a kind of catalog on a multilingual Joomla website.

I want to have a menu button click which shows a list of categories with a title and an image. The main view should show up a category description, too. When i click on an image or title of a category it should show the content articles of this category.

Please have a look on http://neu.b-id.eu/

If you e.g. click on LH/HF Products/Category you see some categories. But the description is not visible. When you click on a Image you come to the one and only product, but not the category. When you click on a title everything is right.

It´s just an imitation of Joomla´s Category Blog function to view nested categorys.

How can i setup this constellation? I have spend many days in fixing this problem. Without any success. Please tell me where to start :-)

I like Seblod very much but I dislike that there is no REAL documentation in using it.

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2 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

No idea in realizing a catalog with nested categories (like in most online Shops)? I didn´t find any demo site which uses Seblod... I only found "1-Level" listings of a catalog. Why do we have such a potential Joomla component with less documentation? Is there a plan in creating more documentation to use Seblod 3.x?

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