11 years ago

Is Seblod 3.2.0 competible with sh404SEF extension (on Joomla 3.2.1) ?

Ofer Langer
Get a Book for SEBLOD
251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 1
I would not recommend it since seblod has its own routing process. I can recommend rsSEO to maintain your onpage factor.
11 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for your help.
Does RsSEO has an option that will allow me to set canonical per a specific URL that I choose?

11 years ago
Level 1

until now I haven't found a SEO extension that is fully compatible with SEBLOD. I"ve trie sh404 and RSSeo. Both of them seem not to be able to handle the URLs correctly that are produced by the SEBLOD router.

I would be very happy if someone could point us to a solution.

@Viktor Iwan
Could you please explain a liitle more in detail how you handle SEBLOD URLs with RSSeo?
11 years ago
Level 2
Hello Viktor,

I think that RSSeo is more user friendly, but I still find it hard to manage links with it. Truely, at the moment I'm in touch with the support team to understand issues regarding sitemap.xml and URLs that can't be managed for some weird reason.

When I get more answers and see that these issues can be solved I'll let you know :)

If someone works with RSSeo and Seblod and know more about how to handle Seblod URLs on RSSeo, please let us know more about it.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Level 1

I also went through a lot of trial and error with RSSeo and never got the results that I wanted. Looking forward to more info from you.
38 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I think I've got the same issue. It is very frustrating!
10 years ago
Level 1
I haven't found a way yet to get a clean sitemap and SEO Urls with Seblod. None of the available extension support the Seblod router.php. So in terms of SEO my Seblod sites are a mess.

I have only clean sitemap entries for pages that have a menu item. But blog view posts that are not linked through a menu item are messy. So I have to deactivate them for my sitemap. This makes deep linking to single articles impossible in sitemaps.

Anyone with a solution?
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Viktor and Perrine,

I tried to contact Seblod's team and they can only investigate these issues by opening a support ticket.
The major issue for me is that Seblod keeps duplicating articles in a strange way.

Does someone have any idea what can we do ? How do we report a bug?

Thank you very much,
38 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks! I'll submit a ticket after making some other experiments !
10 years ago
Level 1

back to this annoying SEO problem with Seblod. The latest version of JSitemap Pro now produces perfect sitemaps, at least something.

For me Seblod also creates duplicate article links.
Have you been able to solve this yet?

any success yet or reactions to your ticket?
251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1
@gebeer, does jSitemap Pro has any compatibility issue with Seblod ?

i would say, if you need perfect sitemap, 'crawler' is one of the best thing, coz its independent and not related with our jsite.. if sitemap is something i concern, i usually use http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/standalone-google-sitemap-generator.html

jsitemap pro looks promising...
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Viktor,

the guys at JSitemap Pro were very supportive. I supplied them with a backup of my site and they tested thoroughly in their lab. Then, only a few days later, they released a new version with Seblod support. It is working very well and I can definitely recommend it.

And thanks for the tip with external crawler. Only thing I don't like about that idea is that we need to do this manually every time there is new content added.
JSitemap Pro updates the sitemaps automatically. So I prefer that way.

PS: I installed RsSEO because you recommended it but couldn't get it to work as desired. Any tips from your side would be very much appreciated. Maybe a hangouts session on the subject? Already added you to my circles.
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Gerhard,

Well, after testing RSSeo for a long period of time, eventhough they have a great support, it doesn't really helped me in solving the major problem I had on my site - duplicated content. 

Do you think JSitemap Pro is doing a better job dealing with duplicated content ?

I hope you managed to solve your problem :)
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Ofer,

I haven't solved my problems yet :-( Now looking into sh404 and RSSEO again. Let's see what the outcome is.

JSitemap Pro is great for generating sitemaps. Also for Seblod content that is not linked through menu items.

But unfortunately it is not a tool designed to deal with duplicate content problems.

I found out in the Joomla forum that the duplicate content problem is a well known issue. It seems that good SEF components are the only way of dealing with it.

For us here the problem is to find a SEF component that works well together with Seblod.

So the quest goes on....
10 years ago
Level 1
After extensive testing with sh404SEF I can say that it is NOT working together with Seblod (at least in my testcase).

When I activate sh404SEF, on my Seblod List&Search menu items I get "Oops! Search Type not found.. ; (".

This has been reported to the old Seblod forum but has never been resolved. There has been the suggestion to use native Joomla SEF, no extra components. But for me, and many others I guess, this is not a solution.

If I deactivate Seblod SEF URLs, the List&Search types work again.

But I get SEF URLs for articles with article id instead of alias, e.g.
Also the category alias is missing in the URL. It should be:
This would be the category structure + article alias.

I have posted to the sh404SEF forum about my issues.

Let's see if we can come up with a solution somehow.

I think the mods here are aware of the problem. It would be great if they could forward this to Octopoos dev team so we can get a statement or, even better, a solution to SEF problems with Seblod (duplicate URLs) and how to avoid them. There must be a way out of this dilemma. SEO is a very important issue.

Thanks for reading through this.
10 years ago
Level 1
After digging deeper into sh404SEF I'm finally making some progress :-)

It seems to be crucial to set SEF options in Seblod to "Joomla! - Use Native" before you activate sh404SEF.

Then the sh404SEF generated URLs work fine.

I get some duplicate URLs and can rewrite them to the correct ones.

Also the canonical URL setting is working as expected.

I'll do some more testing and will let you know about the results.

If everything works out fine, I can make a screencast about setting things up, if anyone is interested. Please let me know here.
178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Good idea about screencat. 
10 years ago
Level 2
VERY interested -- thanks gebeer!
10 years ago
Level 1
Here is my tutorial video about configuration of Seblod CCK together with sh404SEF: http://youtu.be/N16V7ID9Dn0

It explains the basic setup of Joomla and Seblod SEF options and basic configuration of sh404SEF.

This is NOT a tutorial on how to configure sh404SEF in detail. If you have questions about that, please post to their forum.

I used Joomla 3.2.3, Seblod 3.3.3 and sh404SEF

Please let us know if you can reproduce this.
178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi.Great. Did you try to use search functionality? What type of link did you get?Because of paid download it's quite difficult to reproduce your results.
10 years ago
Level 3
I have included a Seblod search module now.
The URLs I get for search are like:

You can test the site live here: http://test.webseiten-fuer-alle.de/

If you want to avoid that search URLs like above get indexed by google, you can add this line to your robots.txt:
Disallow: /*?
I got this from a post about duplicate URLs and how to avoid them on Joomla magazine, section "2. Robots.txt for Joomla"

The search is working just fine.
In the sh404SEF URL manager, I now get a new URL: search-results.html.

I have set this up as a List&Search menu item in a hidden menu. The List&Search is for search type articles. I configured the search type so that it will search in all content types, following the instructions from old forum.
This way, I get results from content type articles and books.

9 years ago
Level 2

Hello Gebeer,

I came to the same realization of sh404sef and Seblod setup myself this morning, BUT it doesnt work for me.

Could you try this setup with the latest sh404sef (4.4.9) and Seblod 3.6.2 and Joomla 3.4.1.

Joomla 3.4 introduced new routing options, and this may be why it doesnt work for me.

You can see the issue i am having at this thread:


Basically, when SEF URL's are disabled, when I click on an article title in category view (category view generated from List and view Seblod type), the article title link takes me to the home page.

When I setup Seblod and Sh4004sef just like your video, the same thing happens..I get taken back to the home page.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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