7 Posts
4 years ago

I've done an annual update to a site for the last six years by importing some content. This year I'm running into some new issues.

Here's a sample of the CSV:

location,approach,program_area,goal_legacy,disposition_date,title,project_description,grant_amount,term_months,www_address,primary_contact,grant_year South Bronx,Direct Service,Faith,Goal,12/12/2019,South Bronx Educational Foundation Inc.,Challenge grant for this faith-based organization that provides academic and character building programs for South Bronx youth,"$25,000",12,www.sbep.com,Mr. Edwin Dolores,2019

And here's how it's coming out:

::cck::917::/cck::<br />::::South Bronx::/::<br />::::South Bronx::/::<br />::::Direct Service::/::<br />::::Direct Service::/::<br />::::Faith::/::<br />::::Faith::/::<br />::::Goal::/::<br />::::Goal::/::<br />::::12/12/2019::/::<br />::::12/12/2019::/::<br />::::Challenge grant for this faith-based organization that provides academic and character building programs for South Bronx youth::/::<br />::::Challenge grant for this faith-based organization that provides academic and character building programs for South Bronx youth::/::<br />::::$25,000::/::<br />::::$25,000::/::<br />::::12::/::<br />::::12::/::<br />::::www.sbep.com::/::<br />::::www.sbep.com::/::<br />::::Mr. Edwin Dolores::/::<br />::::Mr. Edwin Dolores::/::<br />::::2019::/::<br />::::2019::/::

So I am missing the field names and every field is doubled. Needless to say, the fields are empty on the content pages, except the title, that's working.

Can anyone offer some insight into what I need to change?


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