Create Edit Profile page 118 Postswebchun 8 years ago7TopicHi guys, how can I create a edit profile page so logged in user can edit their own profile?I have spent hours to make it works by searching this forum and no luck so far. I have enabled the bridge also double checked the permission Thanks! 118 Postswebchun 8 years ago0Level 1 Ok Found it, the url is : index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&id=901 4229 PostsKadministrator 8 years ago1Level 1Your link will only work for one user as id needs to be dynamic. You need to use Joomla built-in menu link Users->edit users profile. Seblod takes care of redirect to the right Seblod form when user uses this link. 118 Postswebchun 8 years ago0Level 2 Your link will only work for one user as id needs to be dynamic. Sorry I mean : index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&id=xxx You need to use Joomla built-in menu link Users->edit users profile. Seblod takes care of redirect to the right Seblod form when user uses this link.That's what I did. But it always open the default joomla com_users&view=profile&layout=edit instead of redirected to seblod 4229 PostsKadministrator 8 years ago3Level 1You need to activate redirection in Seblod options > Integration tab for User 118 Postswebchun 8 years ago2Level 2 That was exactly what I did 4229 PostsKadministrator 8 years ago1Level 3Try also setting Edit link to "Always with Seblod" 118 Postswebchun 8 years ago0Level 4Hmm really strange. It's now working properly without any change is made. Anyway, does seblod have its own cache system? I sometimes experience effect delay when changing settings