51 Posts
10 years ago

Hi everybody,
At my website user can publish articles and upload images to it. So when administrator delete an article, images doesn't delete from images/content_type/article_id folder. Has administrator delete images folder manually?

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57 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


It's been a long time discussion. You can review the following topics and tracker reports, but there is still no solution and there is no answer for many other issues with seblod, unfortunately:






572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


I think I've told you this before. The SEBLOD team do not implement new features just because the community requests it. That is not what an Open Source project is about. 

  1. SEBLOD is on GitHub. If you want to see a change, you can do it and submit it. OR you can pay someone to do it and submit it so the community can benefit
  2. You can contact Octopoos if you have a specific feature request for a project of yours and you have a budget for Octopoos to develop the functionality for you.
  3. You can create an indiegogo or kickstarter campaign if you want to get others on board to raise the money in order to get certain features implemented.

You must understand that SEBLOD is an enormous piece of software. It's not just a simple component for Joomla. With the size and scope of SEBLOD, think about how many 'features' are possible... it's infinite. It really is infinite if you think about it. The Octopoos team will continue to release features to the community and make it available freely if it's a part of the SEBLOD Core Package, but these features come from client-driven projects or paid requests from the community.


57 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I was suggested to use the functionality http://docs.joomla.org/How_to_use_the_filesystem_package and Code Pack 


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 3

Ah yess... that's one of the solution... did you manage to get it works ?

57 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

Unfortunately I can't program

310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi James,

I've asked Octopoos just now. Let's see how much they will want to implement this feature.

Thank you,

Have a nice day

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

May i know how 'deep' is your knowledge on Joomla CMS as developer. 

I can make the modification so you could achieve that...and if you really want it so bad, lets do some business, shall we ?

310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys,

I think I have very good news from Octopoos. They've said its going to take them 4/5 days to implement this feature, but they will only charge for 2 days (1120 euro), the rest will be covered from Octopoos. I hope its going to be for SEBLOD and not only for me. If it's for SEBLOD I can afford 2-300 euros and for the rest I will really create an indiegogo or kickstarter campaign like James suggested.

Do you think we will succeed to collect this money soon for this feature?

James, thank you for enlightening us for this kind of feature requests, of course that we are all for the money in the game.

Just imagine SEBLOD able to delete the associated files with the deleted articles from the front end automatically, this will be the best option in SEBLOD since a lot of time.

Best regards,


572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Ricco,

I will contribute some funding to this feature as I'm interested in it too. Create the campaign and share the link.


84 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Great news! I will also spent some money.


10 years ago
Level 4

Count me in, too.

10 years ago
Level 5

@Viktor Iwan an all who are ollowing this

I think it would be great if Viktor Iwan, who is a long term member and supporter of the SEBLOD community, can make some money on this job.

So I would prefer raising some money for him and then release his code as a pull request on github so everyone can benefit.

It is not that I don't want Octopoos to earn money from this. They have done a tremendous job so far and would definitely deserve it. But I think they have enough to code on already and maybe Viktor Iwan can come up with a better offer also ;-)

What do you think?

310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I've created the campaign for this feature: http://igg.me/at/71ymlS3t5q0/x/9795470

Please contribute.

Thank you

572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

@geeber, you are right but not for this project I don't think. Ricco has already set it up and if Octopoos do it it will be very quickly integrated in to the SEBLOD Core package. We are looking in to ways of encouraging more business partnerships like you described through seblod.com because we also think this activity in the community would be great.

@ricco, great initiative. I have contributed and promoted it on my blog http://jamesmorrell.com/blog/community-backed-seblod-indiegogo-campaign

10 years ago
Level 1


thanks for starting this campaign.

I have contributed and really hope we can get this started soon.


I see your point and agree.


maybe you can find a way to promote this campaign and make it more visible to the Seblod community :)

310 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Better late than never: Thank you to all, we've succeeded.

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