188 Posts
11 years ago

Hello everybody!

With SEBLOD 2.x + SD concat

was possible to have 2 titles alike and different alias!

Now the SD concat is not updated to 3.x Seblods Joomla 3.1.x

So how to do this?

tried N forms, which was able to concatenate the date and time of the article

but leaves a bad URL for SEO.

How to do this in Joomla 3.1 and 3.x SEBLOD?


Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Uriel,

I never done this before, but I think you do not need SD Concat to do this on the new versions of Seblod.

In your case, when building your Content Type, try to add the field alias as you would. Click on button 5 and click "add" at the column "Computation Rules".

After lightbox is open, on the Computation field, chosse "Concatenate" option and than choose the field to concatenate below.

Let us know if this worked for you

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hello! Paulo! 

Thanks for answering!

Computation I tried without success.

Art_id put the field, but I need the user to create content!

Art_id the ID does not catch the article in the time that is saved!

The way I did was concatenate the date and time, that's right but the URL is huge!

I am creating a simple classified!

And I know that many products have the same name! Titles.

So I need a different alias!

Thank you for your time!

43 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


I am signing in to this as well :)

I had no luck in making values transfer to hidden fields on save. We probably need the SD concat.

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


SD Concat works with Seblod 3.x but some little modifications are needed before and after installation.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi uriel, 

Have you found a solution ?

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2
548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi uriel, 

many thanks for reply. Sorry but I don't understand:

  • Do you mean that you developed the plugin you attached here to "manage the unique alias" ?
  • Please, How to use that plugin ?
  • Do you think this soution can be used also for this issue when I speak about: "...in joomla you can always have same Menu titles, but the alias must be unique, different. That's right and have a logical sense in a single site. But, whereas is the alias that is shown in the URL, so have no sense in a Multisite, I think that "every alias in Joomla must be unique" per site, because I can have (want) Site1.net/home / Site2.org/home / Site3.com/home... Right now is not possible.Othewise, if "every alias in Joomla must be unique" have a technical reason, I think that there must be a way to show Site1.net/home / Site2.org/home / Site3.com/home in my URL.PS this is not a question limited to the "home" (that I prefer if would be a way to don't show "/home" in the URL), but is a problem for all Menu! I cannot have the same alias Menu name (the alias that is shown in the URL) for different sites! No sense!..." ?

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4


Install the plugin it works! I do not know if it works in multisite test please!

The joomla does not allow the same alias for technical reasons!
Exatmente not know the reasons!


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Thanks for your reply uriel,

  • Please, Can you tell us How the plugin works ?
  • Can you give me any instructions on its usage ?
  • Is it your plugin ? Do you developed it ?

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

Only install the Joomla 3.x running
Has instruições!
It works on time!
The plugin is based on a scritp left in the old forum!

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 7

May be, Do you have the direct link to the old forum ?

So I can read and try to understand How it works, Thanks!

11 years ago
Level 8


On the top of the forum index you have a message with the old forum link at the end.



548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 9

Hi Bes, Thanks for reply. I know the old Forum is on Seblod.com/v2

my question is to have the direct link to "The plugin is based on a scritp left in the old forum!" uriel mentions, so I'm sure to reading the right discussion...

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 10
45 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Thanks for the plugin, I am using it right now !

Only problem is it should be triggered only when creating a new item : the alias is also incremented each time the article is modified...

Reading the plugin code, i found the $isNew variable... but couldn't understand how to test it !

Could someone try to improve the code so that it triggeres only for new articles ?


PS : using standard Joomla, the alias is only incremented when the article is created (for a same-title article of course).

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