45 Posts
5 years ago

Hello guys.

How to remove a file /templates/seb_blog/css/style.css from a header?

I want to transfer the contents of this file to the main template css file.

thank you in advance.

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5 years ago
Level 1

Hi Casper,

Currently there is no parameter to remove the loading of this file.

You have two options to remove it.

The simplest and quickest first you remove the three lines in the file "/templates/seb_blog/index.php" :

// Add CSS file

$doc = JFactory::getDocument();

$doc->addStyleSheet( JUri::root( true ).'/templates/'.$this->template.'/css/style.css' );

The second cleanest way to continue updating SEBLOD, you copy the modified index.php file, in the directory "your_main_template / html / tpl_seb_blog" of your main template and the file "config.php"

118 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

The second cleanest way to continue updating SEBLOD, you copy the modified index.php file, in the directory "your_main_template / html / tpl_seb_blog" of your main template and the file "config.php"

Interesting, so we basically can override a seblod template from joomla template?

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