251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago


Would like to know on how you guys optimize your site for performance ? One of my joomla site taken 40mb+ of memory when the homepage load... now the server starting run out of memory, since my site serve like 100 - 300 visitor at the time...it receive like 12k visitor per-day...

- Since most field table made by CCK is on TEXT type... do you optimize it like change to VARCHAR .. how does it impact the performance ?
- Cache.... do you use cache ? jotcache ?
- do you host your site Shared Hosting ? VPS ?or Dedicated ?
- in your portfolio, what maximum traffic that you ever receive ?


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I can't answer other questions, but you can use cache in lists (configured directly in list configuration). And if you replace controller.php with this one

https://github.com/klas/SEBLOD/blob/6d68d316fac4ef24230f7500bf8a892891118493/components/com_cck/controller.php from my pull request

you will be able to use Joomla view caching (activated in joomla configuration).

17 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hello, to optimize the performance of Seblod and also the server, a good starting point would be to use php7, it is a change that brings many improvements of speed and reduction of memory, for the number of users that you comment if you are not using it serious Interesting, attached a comparative in Joomla:


7 years ago
Level 1

Sorry just some way, but would require lot more time to write a complete documentation

1) Process Optimizations

- check Joomla extensions not used and unpublish them, very important about Joomla plugin system

 2) Data query Optimizations

- check all your SEBLOD list/search and form

- on SEBLOD search/list check each match (permissive is taken ressources) and change in by exactly the good one (example on a simple select the match must be exact)


3) HTML/CSS optimization

- make your code clean, don't load on all pages a JS library used only on 1 page

- code reduction, compression...

4) PHP7 / PHP cache

5) Application cache system -> we never used them on Octopoos, we want only real time web site, if you make a good job on points above you site would have nice performance.


We managed sites with 10000 visits per day and more than 2 millions of records in database.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

There is a pull request that should make view cache (the one activated in global configuration) work with Seblod lists:


It is really useful when you site needs to use a lot of resources (e.g. it needs to query few webservices, resize images etc.) to compute result, it also helps to drasticly lower resource usage with almost any site, except perhaps sites that have  very low ratio of number of accesses :  frequency of content changes (forums, social sites).

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