9 years ago


I want to remove this below div in bold style:

<div id="cck1_mainbody" class="cck-pos-mainbody seb_css3 vertical cck1-deepest">
<img alt="item" title="item" src="/path/to/image">

To just:

<img alt="item" title="item" src="/path/to/image">

This div appears in list&search frontend view, wrapping each item.

Thanks all!

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Rafael,

I'd suggest using the Seb_minima template if you want to have a cleaner markup structure. This div is from the seb_one template, and I don't recommend you try to edit that.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hi _jrmo, i'm creating a portfolio system and i will need to have some search&list type to achieve this.

Many of my items have different properties and for this, I will need to style each view differently. My idea is remove all markups from list and pass the markups to item, by this way I will can style each item differently, without have to create a new template for each item. I will just need to create a override position in item.

I learned how to do this today.

I haved to access seb_blog/index.php and remove all the markup that wrapping each item. Then I needed to access the item configuration, through the list&search type and inside the session positions, I set all fields to hide and none.

Now, I can create the markup structure that wrapping each item through the positions.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
9 years ago
Level 3

I would highly suggest you to create a new template for the list.... rather than hacking the core template... its not difficult to create a new one

188 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

I created a theme, appears DIVs how to remove?

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