9 years ago

I'm really not sure how to begin... this is a little bit confusing I guess, but mostly its just a form where they enter the new units they've lost and it adds it to the previous units lost and create a new total.  the upper areas are basically the same thing.. the units they won have a value ( look up of some form ) and so that enters a total ( bank ) value.  They then need to get at least the same value to get another "payout"  it gets complex I guess but basically its just they say how many of what they lost and it looks up the value for the unit and multiplies it by the total units used .. This is done each time additional loses are incurred...

I cant' figure out where to even start.  Any guidance will be greatly appreciated... ty.

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


Are you talking about Seblod or something else?

It's not very clear to me


9 years ago
Level 2

I'm sorry, i didn't think there were others .. yes i'm talking about seblod in 3.4.4

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3


I keep reading your original question and it makes absolutely no sense to me, I have no idea what it relates to hence my original reply. 

If others understand I apologise for interfering. 


9 years ago
Level 4

ok, let me try to explain it better.... 
1) I need to create a table with specified values for each "unit".

2) I need the user to be able to enter the amount of "lost" units for each type.  This will need to be done multiple times ( 1x per attack ) and the values cumulative. And stored for the next entry.  Then displayed with their updated totals.

3) The sum of the total of ALL values entered will then need to be used to update several other fields, decreasing some and increasing others.

4) once a "payout" is reached ( from user input ) the units won ( which calculates the next total value needed for "payout" the total value of units lost and the total value needed is stored for graphical / reporting.

5) "lost units" values are then "reset" with units "won" being the new "seed" for the next payout.

Does that make more sense?  Perhaps this explains the spreadsheet better?  Else I'll have to make a video LOL

I "added" 3 images to this but i don't see how to get them to show

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5


Sorry man, beyond my capabilities.

I hope I can do implement functionality like tht soon, getting there.

good luck, keep pushing on and asking questions


Sorry can't help you!!

9 years ago
Level 1


what units are you talking about? 



9 years ago
Level 2

are you able to see the 2 images I posted?   i can't seem to show them.


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3


My way of adding images (and I struggled, too) is to click the media icon in the wysiwyg toolbar, not the media TAB!!

Click the green plus sign to add new image.

Add a title

Select the Image Format: 99 times out of 100 it will be "Forum (free)"

Select the directory: "Forum"

Click the Green Tick button to load the image.

Then you will see a thumbnail of the image, and to the right a blue preview icon (which doesn't do much), followed by an edit icon.

To add the image to your forum post, click the image!!

You will then see in your wysiwyg toolbar two new icons, a "+" (with green background) and a "x" (with red background).

Place your cursor where you want the image to appear, then click the green box!!


9 years ago
Level 4

your awesome.. tyvm... that would've been helpful to everyone right from the start LOL

310 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Post text removed by admin. Please talk to other users on this forum with respect. If you have an issue with another user, please report it to us.

This is your first and final warning.

9 years ago
Level 2

what are you talking about?  I don't even know you and have said nothing improper

310 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Don't make me go again through your disconnected talk! Before you even ask, watch this: http://www.seblod.com/resources/videos

9 years ago
Level 4

If your typical of the kind of person that gives seblod support then I'm certainly trying to use the wrong software.  My talk was "disconnected" as you put it attempting to be generic as possible to my specific application so that nobody was having to understand the mechanics of a game they don't even care about.  If you really want a detailed dissertation of what exactly occurs, how and why, I can certainly provide that.

However, I do not deserve nor will continue to tolerate your disrespect.

9 years ago
Level 5

Hello N6REJ,

i try to understand what you want to achieve - thats the key to explain you on how to. :)

Normally questions are not that complex so people can better understand.

Like: How can i cumulate values on each submission of one form?

Do you eant something like that?

My approach would be to have an input field and an output field which makes a database query which adds all submissions together from a specific id.

maybe not the best way, but should work.

... you asked some more but i suggest to solve it step by step to avoid confusion - at least on my side :)



572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5


You are right to not tolerate that. I have removed the text of the offending post and left a warning. Abuse is not tolerated on the SEBLOD forums, and this is certainly not representative of the SEBLOD community's helpfulness. 

I will suggest that with further posts, put a clear title about the problem you are trying to solve, and in your post itself give some clear context of your website, your goals and the specific issue you are facing. That will make it really easy for someone from the community to understand and help you.

Cheers and happy SEBLODing


9 years ago
Level 6

ty james.. yes this thread has been a horrible mess.. a big part was inability to figure out how to make the images show.  Thanks to bucklash I know how now.  I'm going to try to take a few minutes today and make a video that HOPEFULLY will more clearly explain things.

and I think that while I was trying to be contrite for expediency sake I instead vastly increased the time required for this :(

@elisa yes, I'm not making it clear.. I'll do so asap

310 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Sorry N6REJ, I still can't understand what are you talking about. What is "lost" units?

Respect  _jrmo, and regards to all community heroes.

9 years ago
Level 2

if you look @ the very first photo, the units in "red" are the number of units lost.  So that number needs to be muliplied by its resource value ( from the table shown ) to provide a total resource loss value for those units.  The unit lost count needs to be updated ( see 3rd pic(?)) and then the resources spent and remaining increased / decreased appropiately

9 years ago
Level 3

Hello N6REJ,

this tutorial might help you http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/fields-math-computation-tutorial-small-and-simple



9 years ago
Level 4

great I'll check it out.

Does that explain how to get the "resource chart" into seblod like I would into a standard database table or is it handled differently?  Because I assume I'm going to need to store this data somewhere to be retrieved. 

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