10 years ago
Hi All,

Given that storage is the most important thing to understand I thought I would post just a few inconsistencies I have found on the Seblod site that makes Seblod very hard for new users. This is just regarding Field X development but I have seen this type of thing elsewhere.

This says TO use introtext to store a fieldx
"Please note, use only the storage "custom, Article, introtext" for the field "fieldX"."

This says NOT to use introtext
"therefore, do not use the column "introtext" to store your FieldX and GroupX fields. You can store them anywhere else."

Not really sure what this is saying?
"Note: it's not because you use the Custom storage, that the "database_column_name" must be "introtext". Prefer to use a new column name. "

If you read the full page it also seems to say that the source field you are using in your fieldx should have no storage.  Does it matter if the source field as storage or not?

I am a fan of Seblod and appreciate the amount of work that has gone into and the amount of support as well as everyone in the community. To a degree I can cope with the overall lack of documentation but contradictions have sent me down wrong paths in my development. I know the one reference above is from version 2 however as a new user you are looking wherever you can to piece together knowledge.

So in the above topic of FieldX would it be correct/required to have the following storage:

Custom|Article|my_new_column[my_new_field_x]  and NEVER use introtext[my_new_field_x]?

And the source field for the field x as No Storage? Or if I do assign storage for it should it be something else such as Standard|Article|my_source_field? I assume that if I need a special data type in my Field X such as numeric, I would need to set my storage and data type... but I am just assuming.

Thanks for clarifying.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi joem,

Thanks for the observation and notification. We will get the documentation cleared up.

Regarding FieldX/GroupX storage, it is still the same as SEBLOD 2.0. Custom|Article|Introtext is the default for a FieldX or GroupX. Using Standard|Article|my_source_field as the storage for your source field of the FieldX is fine.
You define your source fields with any special data types that your content type might require. The FieldX is just a "wrapper" around the source field which allows you to create multiples. 

No storage, is good for a Contact Us form - a Form that sends the data it collects via email, but but doesn't save it in the database.

Just remember that there are some limitations and that you can not nest FieldX or GroupX fields.

hope that helps,

10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for the reply Randy!

So Standard|Article|my_source_field is good for the source field, then would the storage location for the fieldX be the same column as in Custom|Article|my_source_field[my_fieldx_data]

(Any special tricks to get that work?  for example do I need to create the source field first?) 

I ask because I was getting strange errors on my fieldx on data input with a custom column name. One error was the something like this:  #_cck_store_join_sox_related_articles_all'
doesn't exist SQL=DELETE a.* FROM #_cck_store_join_sox_related_articles_all AS a WHERE a.id = 347

In another version of the fieldx, I wouldn't get an error but the data in the multiple fields wasn't saving... just empty data.

I finally decided to dump everything into the introtext for the source and fieldx to get it to work... (contrary to the advice that introtext is for storing the seblod id only).  I hate it when the "wrong" approach works :(
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi joem,

I have always used Custom|Article|introtext for the storage location of my FieldX/GroupX - which is the default when you select a FieldX/GroupX type.  Your Source field can be: Standard|Article|myfieldname.

James briefly touches on the subject here.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 4
Great Randy,

This is also my favorite configuration.

It would be good to put the last explanation highlighted in this tutorial:


It's a good tip for begginers.

10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks Randy,

There is a lot of good advice in these forums but sometimes hard to find.  We need a separate forum that is the "Best of Octopoos" advice or perhaps bump this to tips and tricks. 
332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I didn't get any smarter after reading this. :(

In Field X: custom->article->introtext[what_about_this_part?]

I'm looking to undestand this better, because I've used field x to repeat a simple select and I need to filter a search based on this simple select. Not working.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Sebloders

Is there a definitive answer brewing... it is very cryptic still...

There should be a tutorial dedicated to FieldX and GroupX. It is a selling point of Seblod but it seems difficult to buy....

Anyone up for it?


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