179 Posts
9 years ago

Hi. Is the issue tracker still in use? Is this the correct one: https://github.com/Octopoos/SEBLOD/issues ? 

.... because nobody of the Octopoos company seems to monitor the countless bugs reported there. Even very serious ones regards security are not considered worth looking at. This is not how trust in the code and the company gets build up.

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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Carin,

Yes, the official tracker is on GitHub now.

Did you see the changelog for SEBLOD 3.6? Did you see how many bugs were fixed in it? lots of them were reported in the Github and old Tracker. To say that no one from Octopoos monitors it is ignorant and false.

As for your comment about the issues being "counteless" - this is also false. They are very easy to count. In fact, GitHub counts them for you! There's 23. Not all of them are issues (some are feature requests), and some of them are low priority.

Finally, all the code of SEBLOD is open on GitHub, so it's open for anyone in the community to fix these bugs too - not just Octopoos.


179 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi James, I thought it would be clear that the words are not there to be taken literally. You should rather take the message inbetween the lines. If you want to build a community and want the users to be engaged you need to talk to them. Even when the issues are feature requests the user still invested a lot of time and enery into his thoughts and at least should get some sort of feedback and a users contribution should for sure be recognised when a bug gets reported even when it in the end turns out to be just a flaw in his setup. Octopoos makes some good money with SEBLOD and the help of the community and if you dont want to pay your contributors with money at least you pay with recognition and respect and dont ignore their engagement.

Maybe you wanna read my post again. I said "nobody of the Octopoos company SEEMS to monitor..." which in my understanding of the English language is an assumed question but Im no native speaker. But since you immediatelly switch to defense mode without asking where my thougths and the feeling of being left behind is comming from I assume you are caught in the same atitude the SEBLOD project already was 5 years ago.

"... for anyone in the community to fix these" ... that is a bit useless and paradox because we are users and some are integrators and maybe two or three are coders. Just because someone found a bug does not mean he can also fix it and if he could fix it he would not report it..

It is very unfortuante that a cool project calls their users at the slightest criticism "ignorant". I am not in marketing but I think that does not add value to a brand. I will continue using SEBLOD but it could be a lot more fun ...

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


Of course you are right about engagement. More engagement is always better, but as a company we of course have a limitation on resources.

Your comment about paying contributors is irrelevant. This is an Open Source project, and your comment in no way reflects how Open Source works. It is a community of people who volunteer and contribute to help each other - just like how Octopoos has built all of SEBLOD and made it FREE for anyone to download and use.

Please do not be mistaken, Octopoos is a web agency who has created a tool for building websites that we release to the public for free. We are not a Joomla component creation company. Our engagement around our commercial products, such as VIP memberships and plugins from the Marketplace is very different to that of SEBLOD Core. We have premium support forums for VIP members where anyone can ask questions about apps they have bought and they receive quick and effective support for this.

If you have some specific issues or need some help with something particular, we offer premium support packages which may be of interest to you. http://www.seblod.com/enterprise/support

Finally Carin, on a personal note. The defensiveness in my message is not my default stance on feedback or criticism. But it is in this case because most of your 'engagement' on this forum is criticism. If you take some time to help some other people with their questions about SEBLOD, and contribute back to the community, it's likely that your feedback will be met with a very different response.



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