548 Posts
6 years ago

Hi guys, 

as far as I know in Templates > Show Label: we have only Hide/Show option.

Please, How to show Label directly into the field and not outside on the left ?!?

PS thinking to have it, as "more responsive", on all my "Form & Content Type > Site Form" views...

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Hi, there is no "label in the field" , what you are describing is the placeholder. To see it place placeholder="Some text" in the custom attributes (click on small blue arrow on the right bottom in the field settings)

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, 

many thanks, it is working!

1 - I'm using a "Bootstrap 4 based template", Why when I'm inputting something the blue border field color is not the Bootstrap 4 one (bigger in pixels then the previous), Seem that it's happening only with Seblod forms, you can see on my test site (opening the left menu you will have a login module to compare the blue pixel borders that seem to run well with the template)

Also the "Form Label Size" shown from Seblod seem to be the Bootstrap 4 small one instead of the default one

2 - If I set "Template > Show Description > Popup" The "?" and its popup is not shown... What am I missing ?

And the "Below Field" is running like a "Below label" setting (you ca see it in action on my test site)

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Seblod is using the same boostrap version as Joomla - 2.3.2. For boostrap 4 to work you will need to create various overrides.

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas, 

thanks for reply to me:

1 - Okay. Is there any plan to update it ?

2 - "If I set "Template > Show Description > Popup" The "?" and its popup is not shown... What am I missing ?

And the "Below Field" is running like a "Below label" setting (you ca see it in action on my test site)"

Please, Do you have an answer ?

3 - Trying to have the Registration Form centered in the page, but I'm not able to find nothing on Forum and nothing about to learn How to use / manage the "Root" and "Positions" settings in the Template page. 

Please, Where can I find a guide about ?

Please, Can you help on that ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

Hi, this are all question related to your template that is using boostrap 4 and since it won't work with Seblod. For centering you need to use some css to modify template styles to your needs , there is no setting for that.

548 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

Hi Klas, 

thanks for answer to me, Could you answer also to all other questions:

1 - Okay. Is there any plan to update it ?

2 - "If I set "Template > Show Description > Popup" The "?" and its popup is not shown... What am I missing ?

And the "Below Field" is running like a "Below label" setting (you ca see it in action on my test site)"

Please, Do you have an answer ?


3 - About Form & Content Type i> Template page > "Root" and "Positions":

Please, Where can I find a guide about, to learn what means the fields that are there ? How to use / manage them ? Can you help on that ?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 7

1-2 I don't know. For 3 : in root you can set a class of the root element of the page, in positions you set various settings related to position rendering.

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