11 years ago


J'ai mets en place un multisite avec SEBLOD. J'ai suivi la doc de la v2 à la lettre et tout semble fonctionner sauf une chose. J'ai assigné la homepage Joomla par defaut a un item d'un menu non affiché (bidon donc) et assigné pour chaque langue une homepage distincte via les paramètres seblod multisite comme indiqué dans la doc. Le problème est que quand on va a l'url fr.monsite.com/index.php ou qu'on va sur en.monsite.com/index.php on ne tombe pas sur les homepages assignées via Seblod mais sur la homepage par défaut de Joomla.

J'ai beau chercher je ne vois pas ce qu'il me manque pour que cela fonctionne.

Merci de votre attention 



I'm setting up a multisite with SEBLOD. I've followed the v2 documentation and all seems to work except one thing. I've assigned the default Joomla home to an item from a hidden menu (dummy homepage) and assigned for each language a distinct homepage via the seblod parameters as indicated in the documentation. The problem is that when going on fr.mywebsite.com/index.php or en.mywebsite.com/index.php it is the default Joomla home that is displayed and not the Seblod assigned ones.

I've been searching a lot and cannot find what is lacking to have a working setup.

Thank you for your attention.

PS : J'ai mis ce message en 2 langues mais ne peut en sélectionner qu'une, peut être une check box serait plus indiquée ?

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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi ConradM, 

take a look if it is the same problem I had here and let us know...

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Joomleb, thank you for participating but I think it's not the same problem. Here is a similar post.

11 years ago
Level 1

En y réfléchissant bien je me dis que mon problème peut se résumer à ceci : assigner des page d'accueil par site via  l'interface Seblod des options de la gestion multisite a-t-il un quelconque effet ?


Thinking about it I ask myself if my problem can be summed up to : do defining sites homepages via the Seblod multisite interface have any effect ? 

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

May be something related to this Home issues I encountered here ?!?

11 years ago
Level 1

J'ai trouvé d'ou vient mon problème. Celui-ci provient tout bêtement du fait que j'essaye d'atteindre monsite.com/index.php et fr.monsite.com/index.php au lieu de monsite.com et fr.monsite.com (tout ça parce que j'ai une page d'intro index.html que j'ai configuré via htaccess pour prendre le dessus sur index.php).

Maintenant mon problème va être d'arriver a conjuguer multisite et page d'intro (celle ci est censée permettre de choisir la langue), je sens que c'est pas gagné...


I've found where my problem lies. The problem happens because i'm trying to access mysite.com/index.php and fr.mysite.com/index.php instead of mysite.com and fr.mysite.com (all that because i have an intro page index.html that I have configured via htaccess to take precedence over index.php).

Now i've to make multisite and intro page working together....

11 years ago
Level 2

C'est bon j'ai pu régler le problème à coup de virtualhosts.


Eventually I managed to solve my intro/multisite problem with virtualhosts.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi ConradM, 

Please, Can you give us any more detailed instructions on how you solved this issue ?

11 years ago
Level 1

Yes of course. 

First I edited my language links to point at fr.mysite.com instead of fr.mysite.com/index.php and second I put all my joomla site in a subfolder and my intro.html into the parent one. Then i edit my httpd-vhost.conf to make mysite.com point at the folder where my intro is and make fr.mysite.com, en.mysite.com etc to point at the folder where the Joomla files are.

11 years ago
Level 2


You're right. We done htaccess or php redirection (mydomain.com to mydomain.com/home).

It will be natively fixed in the next version.

Thank you.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi Seb, 

Please, When will be released the fixed version ?

11 years ago
Level 4

Hi Joomleb,

This week.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Hi Seb, 

waiting your news asap about (please keep us informed), 

Have you noted this topic was "green" as solved and now is again "gray" as unsolved?

May be, Is it automatically changed beacause we replied in a topic yet marked as "solved" ?!?

If so, I think is not a good thing...

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Hi Seb, 

I'm waiting this fixed release for a new installation. Please, Can you give us an exact release date?

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Waiting also for the announced new Version due to my problem here. Will it be published anywhere, when the new version is available?

11 years ago
Level 1


had this problem as well, thought it was an issue with the template as only with some templates.

fix will be good.


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 3

@Bes.. will this integrate in coming seblod update ?

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi Bes, 

Can we install the patch using the standard joomla installer ?

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Sorry, can't open this ZIP-File. :(

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi IBeRKa, Yes, seem the file is corrupted with the default windows zipper, but let's try with another software like 7-zip and you'll see it work.

@Seb Why do you release a patch instead of new Seblod release with bug fixed?

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Umm, sorrryy, but not even the newest version of 7Zip could extract this on my OC (Win7/64)

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

Hi IBeRKa, give me your email and I'll send you the unzipped file...

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 7

Mind asking me for my private phone number and my bank accounts access data as well in public? ;-(

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 8

No, that's just your public email wrote on your site you report here in your Seblod profile... no way here to attach a file and/or send a PM... 

I wanted to be sure thinking to send you the Seb unzipped file...

However, I edited the post...

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi IBeRKa, 

as you can read on this Saba post seem that a new Seblod v. 3.1.4 will be available tomorrow...

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3


The .zip patch file seem to have some corruption problem.

Anyway with one tool I have been able to extract cck.php file and I paste it on its folder overwriting the old one.

But now at the top of all my template sites (included administrator) this message is shown:

PK aY.B$patch_multisites_redirect/ !�u?��!�u?��5��>��PK AY.B"$8patch_multisites_redirect/plugins/ ��'R?����'R?����'R?��PK AY.B)$xpatch_multisites_redirect/plugins/system/ �G)R?���G)R?����'R?��PK WY.B-$�patch_multisites_redirect/plugins/system/cck/ ��k?����k?���G)R?��PK WY.Bs8�L=S=S4$ patch_multisites_redirect/plugins/system/cck/cck.php

Now, I cannot know if is because the .zip corruption, if I wrong how to update and/or because the issue is not fixed...

Hope on your soon reply, 

Many Thanks :)

11 years ago
Level 4

A new version of SEBLOD will be published today with home page redirection fixed.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 5

Oot... But i hope  you fix the bug related with download apps... 

11 years ago
Level 6

Updated version available 3.1.4 http://www.seblod.com/

Viktor, I don't think, which bug exaclty?


11 years ago
Level 7

thks for updates

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 7

pm'ed you on private... please check

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

My main problem is fixed by this new version! :-) Thank you all, guys! :-)

Further feedback in an extra thread, okay?

11 years ago
Level 1

Applied new patch. What was working before doesn't work anymore.

Feel tired :-(

But at least when downgrading to 3.1.3 all works again.

11 years ago
Level 2


is seblod working for you try with drupal. there have been some big improvement in ease of use. had a multi domain site up in a week because could not use J/S. unfortunately some things joomla/seblod not capable of yet easily.
11 years ago
Level 3

I'm working on this site for more than 4 months and it will go live in a couple of weeks so it 's too late to change CMS now. Anyway my setup works flawlessly on J3.1.1/S3.1.3.

11 years ago
Level 1


s3.1.4 working.

One minor issue is now when a return to home page on a sub domain is selected from a logo the menu alias is now displaying.

This only use to happen when selected the home page from the menu before.

When the sub domain name is typed directly the menu alias is now displaying, did not previously.

Will do some further checking and make sure not the way have setup.


11 years ago
Level 1

J'ai pu faire fonctionner correctement la version 3.1.4. du CCK. Je me suis aperçu que la réécriture d'url devait être activée (via htaccess ou pas) . Sans réécriture d'url les éperluettes de mes urls se retrouvent encodées (& -> &) et du coup les pages ne sont plus affichées comme il faut.

Problème mineur : serait il possible de ne pas afficher l'alias dans l'url de la page d'accueil quand on va sur sousdomaine.mondomaine.fr ? 


I managed to make S3.1.4 work on my setup. I found out that urlrewriting (via htaccess or not) had to be activated. If not rewritten my urls gets "&" changed to & 

Minor issue : would it be possible NOT to have the alias in url when reaching subdomain.mydomain.fr ?

11 years ago
Level 1

Je suis vraiment englué dans les problèmes de redirections - peut-être liés aux éperluettes encodées -. 

J'ai un menu constitué de liens dits "externes" pour choisir la langue qui envoient l'internaute vers fr.mondomaine.com, en.mondomaine.com, it.mondomaine.com etc. 

Sur la version 3.1.4, si je désactive la réécriture d'url, en cliquant un de ces liens, au lieu d'être envoyé vers http://fr.mondomaine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=289 (soit le menu-item configuré comme home d'un sous-site via SEBLOD), l'internaute est renvoyé vers http://fr.mondomaine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=289. Du coup la page affichée ne s'affiche pas comme configurée (pas les bons modules etc).

Toujours sans réécriture activée, si je clique sur mon item de home je tombe sur la bonne page affichée comme il faut  -> http://fr.mondomaine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=289. Sur cette page j'ai un formulaire en lightbox qui pour sa soumission a été configuré pour rediriger vers l'url "#" (le but étant de rediriger vers la page d'accueil avec un message de remerciements en lightbox). Si je remplis ce formulaire et que je valide je suis renvoyé  vers  http://fr.mondomaine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=289#?thanks=demande_de_devis2 (ce qui ne marche bien sur pas)

Par contre sur la version 3.1.3 sans réecriture d'url, si je valide le formulaire je suis renvoyé vers http://fr.mondomaine.com/#?thanks=demande_de_devis2 (ce qui est le but recherché).

Et quelle que soit la version si je valide mon formulaire avec la ré-écriture activée je tombe sur une url du type fr.mondomaine.com/component/cck/#?thanks=demande_de_devis2 (soit tout sauf ce que je voudrais).

Quelqu'un a une idée pour me sortir de cette galère ?

11 years ago
Level 2

Galère résolue . Pour ceux que ça intéresse au lieu de rediriger mon formulaire vers "#" je le redirige désormais vers "/#".


To redirect a form to the actual page without form edition redirect to "/#" and not just "#".

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Please, Can you help me with Multisite locally set up?
Working with Xampp and as described on Seblod v2 documentation, I have to edit the file apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and insert the code below:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/_cck/seblod2_ga"
    ServerName site1.localhost.com

- site1 and .com = are the domain Multisite name set in Seblod, like for ex. site1.com

- .../_cck/seblod2_ga = Is it still valid with Seblod 3 ?!?

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi Emiliano,

i guess the path "C:/xampp/htdocs/_cck/seblod2_ga" have to be replaced with your own path for example "C:/xampp/htdocs/my_joomla".

You have also to edit the "host"-file in this folder: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Just add the following line(s): site1.localhost.com site2.localhost.com


You need admin rights to change this file. Please restart you xampp after editing :)

best regards


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Hi Neco, 

many thanks for suggestion, but for me doesn't work. May be I wrong something, so I want recapitulate:

  • Online I have my Joomla 3.1.3 + Seblod 3.1.4 site, is working as multisite with Mainsite + Site1.net and Site2.org
  • I backup it with Akeeba Backup and I have installed Xampp on windows 7 OS
  • I restored backup on my local Xampp into my C:/xampp/htdocs/joomla folder. If I input: localhost/joomla into my Chrome browser URL the Mainsite Joomla run (also administrator panel), but I'm not able to run my multisites Site1.net and Site2.org

So, I have to:

1 - edit the file apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and insert the code below:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/joomla"
    ServerName Site1.net

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/joomla"
    ServerName Site2.org

2 - edit the "host" file in this folder: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc adding the following line(s): Site1.net Site2.org

Please, Is it correct ?!?
If yes, doesn't work, If I input into my Chrome browser URL:
  • localhost = the Mainsite Joomla run
  • localhost/joomla = I have back "Error 404"
  • localhost/Site2.org = I have back "Error 404"
  • localhost/joomla/Site2.org = I have back "Error 404"

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

Hi Emiliano,

please add this to your httpd-vhosts.conf file too:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs"
  ServerName localhost

Restart xampp. Now it should be:

  • localhost = the standard xampp panel
  • localhost/joomla = your joomla installation
  • Site1.net (without localhost!) = Site1.net :)
  • Site2.org (without localhost!) = Site2.org :)

best regards


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 7

Hi pixelneco, 

in first of all really really Many Thanks! Following your instructions xammp + joomla + seblod mutisite work as you said.

But I want ask you: Is it correct as concept ?!?

I ask because in the way you suggest "Site1.net (without localhost!)" / "Site2.org (without localhost!)" I have to and can work just offline, while I think sometime would be a good thing stay connected to internet and can work at the same time with (for ex.):

  • localhost/joomla/Site2.org = locally on xampp
  • Site2.org = the site online

Are you agree ?

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 8

Hi Emiliano,

this is easy. Just use different domains for offline usage :) You could use: Site1.localhost.net Site2.loalhost.org

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/joomla"
    ServerName Site1.localhost.net

Of course you need to adjust the corresponding multisite-settings in Seblod.

My "without localhost" advice was more a comprehension thing. I wanted to point out, that you do not need to search for a localhost/site1.org or whatever folder to find your multisites, because they do not exist :) You could also use for example: pixelneco-is-the-greatest.net

to keep me always in good memory hahahahahaha :D

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 9

Hi pixelneco, to remember every day when I wake up I repeat ten times "pixelneco" before to have breakfast! :)))

Well, this your last suggestion run well! I have only to change URLs in the Seblod site configuration.

Your previous suggestion is not useful beacuse editing the "host" file in this folder: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc adding the line(s) Site1.net - Site2.org - etc. ... when I close Xampp I cannot surf (online) on Site1.net - Site2.org etc. because the URL point to a local place...

Really Many Thanks for help!

PS A note for Seblod team: please, on Multisite Xampp guide at the begin, when "Edit this file apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf and insert the code below", add:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot "C:\xampp\htdocs"
  ServerName localhost

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