11 years ago

Hi, I've been a long time looking for an extension to suit my needs. After trying too many I decided on Seblod for its variety of options. I'm looking for some tips or links that provide me the information I need to start doing what I want. Below I will explain what I need to do.

I have a site in Joomla! 3.x I want to add a database of several MMORPG games. As a knowledge base or similar.

I need articles of this database can be filtered in various ways simultaneously.
For example:
I have 3 Article (Article 1, 2 and 3). Article 1 and 2 correspond to "Game 1", while Article 3 corresponds to "Game 2".

Articles 1 and 3 explain details about "stats". While the 2 explains details about "skills".

I can understand that how to organize this, but what I can not get is how to provide a filtering system. For example, show the user checkboxes (skill, stat, game, etc.) to facilitate the search for articles.

At the same time my site also provides news, so this type of filtering should work just where I want.

I think I could do this only using extra fields, but I have not figured how to configure them, I watched the tutorials and manuals but still can't do it. Don't need a special tutorial for this, just put me in the right direction. What tools should I use, what not, etc.

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11 years ago
Level 1

Welcome to the community.

Well, since it says that you've watched the tutorials and you still don't understand, I don't know where to begin.

Here is a post I put up today that might help you understand where your mindset should be.


This SHOULD help you get your thought process going in the right direction. 

Here are some other things that may help when creating a form:

  • ADMIN FORM TAB- This form will show up ONLY in your back office.  ONLY Superusers and Admin will be allowed to see these forms.
  • SITE FORM TAB - This form will show up when you link it to a menu item basically as a NEW form entry.  Think of it as a way to add a new record to a table.
  • INTRO - To be honest, I haven't used this option yet.
  • CONTENT FORM - Think of it as a way to view an individual record, data already in place.

If you need specific help on how to use a field, many of them have helper text.  If you can't figure it out, just ask.  There are a few here that will be happy to help. 

Seblod CAN do what you're looking for.

I would recommend setting up a localhost environment to practice on though.  Then, export your app when it's working the way you want and install it on your live site.

To install a localhost set up, I recommend using WAMPSERVER or xxamp. Then install Joomla and Seblod. 


11 years ago
Level 1

 I'm very grateful for your guidance. After read a lot of posts here on forums, seen various video tutorials and make a lot of tests on my localhost I think I was wrong focus. I was reading about multi-site feature...

This database have a huge amount of content, each game database is huge and is not only one game. So I think with multi-site I coul set up another joomla just for datbase (with a subdomain like database.mydomain.com) and the main joomla for news, forums and all sections wich have already.

I'm really surprised with seblod and all its features. I am fairly new to joomla and I really hate that everything is so automatic no chance to customize the way I want. Apparently seblod  gives me the customization I was looking for.

One last question, I'm reading the tutorials of multi-site for v2 of seblod. There have been many changes? Or I can use them for v3?

11 years ago
Level 2

That I couldn't tell you.  I've only used Seblod since 3x...Sorry.

11 years ago
Level 3


Thank you dniezby.

What miss you is the link between "stats" and "skills" articles. You must link this 2 contents by a related field. Like this you will be able to search to list stats allowing filter on skills content (using stage in the search type -> join query).


11 years ago
Level 1

Thanks again for the replies, finally got test a form similar to what I wanted. I have a few questions about language but but I will do in a new topic.

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