11 years ago


I want to remove the article id from the URL.

At the moment my URL reads like this:


I want it to read like this:


If I want to do this on a pure Joomla site, I can edit components/com_content/router.php an change the lines that read:

$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);


$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);

But this has no effect on SEBLOD generated content.

I guess, for SEBLOD we need to change something in components/com_cck/router.php

But I have no idea how to achieve this.

Any help would be much appreciated.



EDIT: I found this in the old tracker:



In the SEBLOD general settings in the section "Site" there is a dropdown "SEF" where you can choose how the URLS should look like.

I chose "/parent/alias" and now the id is gone :-)

Only thing you have to be careful that you don't have duplicate aliases.

I avoid duplicate aliases by appending the creation date of an item to the title with SD Concat field and save it as alias.

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152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Gerhard,

i`m also using SD Concat Field for making my aliases "bulletproof". Instead of appending the creation date you could also use "" which adds the next article id to your alias which is always unique. Of course your solution works also fine, its just a matter of taste :) And thanks for sharing your solution and the hint with the duplicate alias!

best regards


178 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

There is some hint from me. 

I do not like dates and strange numbers in url, so i apply availability ajax validation (button 3) to check is there same alias or not. If yes, i just add some relevant word to it

11 years ago
Level 3

Hello Jeka,

thank you for the tip. I didn't know about the button 3. Where dio I find it?

178 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi, when you edit your content type or search type there are six buttons (1,2,3,4,5,6).

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi pixelneco,

thats a good idea, also. Did you find this out by chance or is it in the SD Concat field documentation? Couldn't find it in the PDF.

In my case I have an event start date in my conten type that I can append to the title. It comes from a datepicker field in Datetime format. d.m.Y H:i.

I would like to change the format to d.m.Y in the SD concat field before appending to the totle. But this seems to work only for $date?

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Gebeer

Thank you for your post very usefull but what are the settings you are using for the SEF without article-id? I cannot get it to work. Only when I follow your instructions and set modify the com_component/router.php the.id dissapears? Any idea on what I can be doing wrong?

I get in a list displaying links:

when I choose parent/alias in the seblod site options i get in my list: newsite/es/mymenuname/2-casa-rural-granada.html

or i choose parent/id and the link is the same: newsite/es/mymenuname/2-casa-rural-granada.html

or i choose /alias and the link is: newsite/es/mymenuname?id=2:casa-rural-granada

and when i choose /id-alias (default) it stays the same: newsite/es/mymenuname?id=2:casa-rural-granada

Joomla! 3.1.1 Stable [ Ember ] 26-April-2013 14:00 GMT (Also tried Joomla 2.5 and the same result), latest seblod version.

Search Engine Friendly URLs set to YES - JOOMLA

By the way to avoid duplicate aliases I uploaded an alias generator field in the old forum, in the case the alias exists it will add a number. http://www.seblod.com/v2/forum/Field-Types-Plugin/46273-NEW-FIELD-Alias-Generator.html

Thanks Joris

11 years ago
Level 2

Hello Joris,

thanks for pointing me to your alias plugin.

As for the settings, mine are:

  • Search Engine Friendly URLs set to YES - JOOMLA
  • Use URL rewriting set to YES and .htaccess renamed
  • SEBLOD Options -> Site -> SEF: /alias

There is a com_cck/router.php which regulates the URLs for SEBLOD. But you needn't change anything there because you can control URL behaviour in SEBLOD Options -> Site -> SEF.

I am on J! 3.1.1 and SEBLOD 3.1.3.



188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

I have the same configuration
and the URL always displays the ID
example: ID-alias
I would be like this
example: alias


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi to all, 
the same is for me with last Joomla 3.2.3 and Seblod 3.3.2 the URL always displays the ID

Please, Did you find any solution on it ?

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi to all, 

In first I want ask you help on understanding a too similar id Multisite problem. On my Joomla 3.1.5 + Seblod 3.1.5 Multisite installation:

  • public_html > htacces.txt renamed to .htaccess
  • Global Configuration > Site - SEO Settings > Search Engine Friendly URLs > YES
  • Global Configuration > Site - SEO Settings > Use URL rewriting set to YES and > YES
  • SEBLOD Option > Site > SEF > /id-alias (default)
  • SEBLOD Option > Site > SEF (Canonical Urls) > NO (Please, what is exactly?)
If I click on an Article title, the Article is shown and I have in the URL:
If I click again on the same Article Title, I had just clicked, I have back a blank page "404 - Category not found" and in the URL:
Well, I don't understand why, Is it a bug ?!?
Reading your topic I tried some different settings and with these settings:
  • public_html > htacces.txt renamed to .htaccess
  • Global Configuration > Site - SEO Settings > Search Engine Friendly URLs > YES
  • Global Configuration > Site - SEO Settings > Use URL rewriting set to YES and > YES
  • SEBLOD Option > Site > SEF > /parent/alias
  • SEBLOD Option > Site > SEF (Canonical Urls) > NO
seem to work, when I click the second time on the Article Title still show ..../aaa/4-bbb 

Don't understanding well all settings, I want ask you: Are these settings right ? Or Is there anything I have to be careful

Second, now, if I want take over Article id from url, What can I do ?

This old ticket gebeer posted seem to be unsolved

Third, then, one of the problems is to avoid duplicate aliases.

  • To do it you suggest to use the SD Concat Field plugin.
  • Here uriel propouse a plugin to solve that issue. Anyone has tried it ?

11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Joomleb,

SEF options of SEBLOD are working with Joomla SEF options.

First: do you click exactly on the title from the same view? 

Second: go on the the configuration of your SEBLOD search type and select on "SEF Urls" params what you wish ;-)

Third: to avoid duplicate aliases, the alias so the article title must be unique. Add the "Availibility" validation rule on the title of your content (params: #__content, title, id).

Canonical is to allow duplicated contents and to inform search engine about the main URL of a content. Like this you can use duplicated contents and to be search engine friendly.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi Seb, Thanks for help!

  • SEF options of SEBLOD are working with Joomla SEF options. = Ok
  • First: do you click exactly on the title from the same view? = No, first click in "Category Blog" view, second in the Article shown...
  • Second: go on the the configuration of your SEBLOD search type and select on "SEF Urls" params what you wish ;-) = Ok, right now is to understand what I want :D ...I'm trying to know the meaning of the choices!
  • Third: to avoid duplicate aliases, the alias so the article title must be unique. Add the "Availibility" validation rule on the title of your content (params: #__content, title, id). = Sorry I don't understand
  • Canonical is to allow duplicated contents and to inform search engine about the main URL of a content. Like this you can use duplicated contents and to be search engine friendly. = Thanks!

11 years ago
Level 1

Is it possible there's a SEF view for categories too via Seblod?

Do you know if you can create a Seblod custom category type and pull in a SEF-friendly URL from it for the Content view as well?

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi people,

Im trying that and is not working for me, same thing:


i would like just:


here are my configuration:

Seblod config -> site

Am i missing something? is not working yet! thanks

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

where are you getting this urls? Is this inside SEBLOD (e.g. in search&list type) or are they created by joomla (a.g. altest news module)?
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
As far as I understood Seblod router work only with Seblod search & lists type, take a look on this issue tracker
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

yes, currently it only works inside seblod generated pages
10 years ago
Level 4


I got it!

Yes, only work in seblod list / search, with joomla core not!


10 years ago
Level 1


Yes but in my example (Joomla 3.3 + seb 3.3.5) we have a seblod list of articles within a module displayed on an article A content view.

we set the seblod sef option to /alias

the jooma sef options are both set to YES

each title of each item in the seblod list has VIEW (+) link with all parameters set to inherit.

Then each link is /menu-to-contentA/?id= xx:alias instead of /menu-to-contentA/alias

Why can't we just have /alias as defined in the options? I can't understand.



8 years ago
Level 2


I am also not able to remove the id from the url. My url is showing as

http://uniqueswebsolution.com/test/joom2/schools/13-frontend-school-4.html but I want it like this

http://uniqueswebsolution.com/test/joom2/schools/frontend-school-4.html (don't bother with the last 4 digit as its the part of the article )

So here is my settings in both joomla config and seblod config

Using joomla 3.5.1 and seblod latest version 3.7.2

Joomla global config : -

Search Engine Friendly URLs = Yes

Use URL Rewriting = Yes

Adds Suffix to URL = Yes

Seblod config under site tab

SEF = /parent/alias (by the way I have tried Joomla use native, /type/alias also, but no one work )

So anybody have solution? what I am missing here? or any custom setting we can do?

The article I am saving in native joomla categories and you can see the listing here for school category as an example




8 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

I have found a very simple solution for this id removal issue. Just use this joomla extension plugin


This plugin removed id from the url. So you can choose any option in the seblod setting and just install this plugin and in its setting set dont forget to set 301 redirect for the cononical url :)

All my site urls are now showing without ids



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