9 years ago

I took weeks trying to create a kind of user-based content, in which part of the data are contained in GroupX fields.

The data of these GroupX fields are taken into account when filters are used, but doesn't appear into the list items.

I've tried different combinations of storage, based on responses from the forum and tutorials dedicated to this subject, but never it works correctly.

Depending of storage methods data do not appear, but they are considered for filtering the list. In other cases the data do appear, but no results when using the filters.

With content types based on Article everything works properly, but not for the user type.

Is there any special storage required for this case?

I present more details of the case below:

I created a new content type called Teachers taking as its starting point the skeleton of User content type. This allows me to use fields username, email, password ... that allow teachers to login and access forums, specific contents ...

In the plugin CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User I have enabled Bridge to create a linked article to store the information of new fields created by me and be able to facilitate the search later.

I created a content type that contains fields GroupX. I have considered putting they in Intro and Content spaces. I followed the Geeber instructions in this forum topic to make searching filters work, but contradicts what was stated in this tutorial on the use of introtext. I have also tried using alternative storages:

Custom | Article | INTROTEXT [field_name]
Custom | User | field_name

In the Teacher content type I have created a GroupX field that draws on the type of content mentioned above. For the storage space of this field I have also tried different alternatives

Custom | Article | INTROTEXT
Custom | User | field_name

As I mentioned at the beginning or the data are showed or search filters work, but in no case the two things at once are given .

I hope someone can provide me with some information that allows me to solve this puzzle.

Thanks in advance.

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hello mostazadecanela,

welcome on SEBLOD forum.

The good way to use FieldX and GroupX is written in the tutorial

We will update it for the differents Joomla Object.

If you are working on the Object "USER" you must setup your groupX function like that :

  • Create a Content Type based on the object "USER" and add all fields you want to repeat. Each field must have "NO STORAGE".

Dont forgot to also setup the view Intro and Content to have the render of the group.

  • In your other content type, based on the object "USER", create a field groupX with this storage:
CUSTOM  |  USER  |  books [my_book]

Now if you want to make your Search Type to search in the groupX Field, when you set the "Match" on the groupX field (button 3), you must specify that it's a collection, by clicking on the "+" at the right of the Match Select, and select the groupX field concerned :



9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel

First I want to thank the very detailed attention that I have received to my question.

A few hours after opening the issue in the forum, and after making further attempts, I managed to find the solution.

Anyway I wanted to try the steps that you refer to, but I did not get the desired result. Data stored in GroupX shown, but the filter is not working.

I think that the filter does not work because the fields are not stored in a similar manner as shown here

I had in mind a similar system of storage to the User case, but adding an important concept taken from this tutorial (which should be THE Tutorial): all fields have been created with padlock opened.

The fields in groupx content are stored like this:

Custom | User | column_name[field_name]

The GroupX field in the User contet is stored in this way:

Custom | User | column_name

Following these steps the data is displayed and the filter works correctly.

Thank you for this excellent component. Seblod gives wings to Joomla!

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