9 years ago

When i click on search button then its shows two times search option how can i disable one search option


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572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi there,

Do you perhaps have a module position duplicated in your template that is showing the Search Form? Or perhaps you are showing a search module on the search page which is causing this double up?

It certainly should not be doubled up unless you are doing something strange with modules.



9 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your reply james...i am facing another problem when i search the title then it shows only title i want to this module works like a joomla default search module means when i search anything from article i.e title,intro text, description etc through one single text search field then it's shows me the all results..do you have any suggation how to do that..


572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi again,

So, if you want 1 text field to search all those fields you need to use the Search Generic plugin from the marketplace. Then, you need to have a play with the Match Modes (see attached tutorial).



9 years ago
Level 1

Hi james

Thanx for reply i am facing another problem when i create a new form type content is "Profile" in this field i create a category option ..when i create a new article using this profile form field and select the category and then fill all fields and then save afterthat i will put up those categories under menu item "List all category" and then save it ..then i have to go into front end and click on my intro fild but no contet has shown there and "category not found " error has overcome i attached a media file please see..how to solve it please help me





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