11 years ago


thought i would put a comment here on licences as we lost a job due to client understanding or confusion of seblod licences.

on joomla seblod is promoted as 'A simple and 100% open source environment to meet the most specific needs...'

we had never looked closely at licence and had assumed all would be open source under fairly standard terms.

however the seblod licence also includes a 'Proprietary Use License on images, CSS and JavaScript files'  http://www.seblod.com/seblod-licenses

the client was happy to use open source however once their management read licences it got to be more about the licences than the application.

the client did not want to take a risk with the seblod product and licences due to some of the restrictive nature.

we are not sure the statement on joomla about seblod and open source is correct now.


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Fredee,

Thanks for the feedback. We modified our SEBLOD Licenses page http://www.seblod.com/seblod-licenses to be more clear.

SEBLOD is totally GPL v2, images, JavaScript and CSS too.

Then we're using images, JS and CSS protection on additional products around SEBLOD such as Rockettheme and Youtheme.


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